Exhibit One: piles in the studio

Exhibit two: piles on the other side of the studio

Exhibit three: piles on the window seat (on the left)

... and the new table we just bought.
We also made time to celebrate Claire's birthday by bringing cupcakes to her class.

Those are Fruit Loops. Sugar-tastic!
My parents visited for the past few days and were a huge help with all kinds of details. A delightful visit! They are actually coming back in three weeks. I think we'll be able to make lots more progress between now and then.
Now I'm swamped preparing for various events over the next few days.
Local small art quilt group tonight:
- pack a bag dinner
- gather some show and tell stuff
- review names of people I have chatted with on email who might be there
- find some handwork to do during the meeting
- set the dvr to record The Amazing Race and Lost
- pick out something superfantastic to wear (this means I must do laundry)
Class with Lesley Riley tomorrow:
- review supply list
- pack supplies
- print out some pictures for image transfer
Other Art and Soul classes and events:
- finish packing up my "trades"
- Gather supplies for three other classes
- make sure I know how to get to the place
- pick out something superfastastic to wear (something that can get messy with paint and glue)

I'll be eager to post pictures from the Art and Soul retreat next week!
This post gave me waves of happiness for you. You are settling in, getting connected, nesting and are ready to make many wonderful creative new things for us to see. Lucky you - a class with Leslie. Can't wait to see what you do!
so happy to see you settling in. Love the new table. can't wait to see what you're up to next. I know it will be fantastic since your ideas have probably had a chance to percolate while all the moving was going on.
I love that in the midst of unpacking you made sure your very pretty new table had placemats! Having something, anything, done makes you feel like you've made progress doesn't it? Can't wait to see more pictures. And I think the fruit loops on the cupcakes was a great idea!
Could you share what kind of paint you use? Do you have to heat set it?
Great new table! Great house! Loved seeing the backyiard and the cupcakes!
Now...Deborah....you DO realize that your "piles" are many folks' everyday existence? Sigh..... someday my house might be as neat and clean as tidy as yours. After the kids have grown and moved out. Maybe after I'm dead and not here to clutter it up LOL!
SO GLAD you've found an art quilt group, Art and Soul, the Lesley Riley class and all.
Am finally home from Calif. and will be blogging daily...TONS of photos to share....I think I took 167 photos in less than a week (the gardens where mom lives are lovely!).
More soon! Miss you!
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