This is a picture from her first birthday. Cutest thing in the world. I'm under a mountain of moving boxes, but I was able to dig this out of our digital files and steal a few moments at the computer.
It is an awesome miracle that she has grown into a funny, charming, clever, smart, insightful, curious, beautiful girl. And I'm lucky to be her mom!
About the title of this post: When I was pregnant, Jeff and I read a day by day developement book and one day it said that baby was the size of an appleseed. So we have called her that ever since. It gives new meaning to the song we always sing for grace. "...and so I thank the Lord, for giving me the things I need, the sun and the rain and the appleseed!"
Happy Birthday Claire! How fast the time goes by! Knowing you Deborah, you'll make this a special day for Claire inspite of the mountain of boxes and the trillion things you have to do! Claire's blessed to have you for her mom!
That picture is a total "aaaaawwwww" moment. SO cute!
Happy Birthday, Claire!
Happy Birthday to Claire, happy birthday to Claire! And how great that it's HER birthday you all celebrate as the first birthday in your new house! You ALL get to unwrap boxes today! (Hope it's going okay!)
Happy birthday to Claire and happy moving in to you. I have been thinking about you and wondering if you were under a pile of boxes.
Wednesday, Mia walked in to my studio and said, Grandma, it's looking neater in here!! I am finally unpacking fabrics and sorting and shelving them.
show us pics!!
Happy Birthday to Claire. That picture is sweet-literally. I have one of my son James with a bowl of spaghetti on his head-sauce dripping down. His 23rd is next month- time slips away too fast.How wonderful to be finally moving in to your beautiful new digs-I'm sending you virtual wine, bread, and salt-don't you just love tradition?
happy birthday to Claire!! 7 is such a great age...and things only get better from here!!
Feliz cumpleanos to Claire! What a new horizons for the Cinco de Mayo theme!
I looooove 7. She is the best of the best. Hugs to her from me (and an extra for you)
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