Monday, December 14, 2015


I love advent. It's a special time to think about preparing for Christmas and for a new year.

In the Episcopal Church, the color for the season of Advent is purple. (Or sometimes blue, but that's another discussion.) As a kid, we had big beautiful wreaths on the front door of our home and on the doors at church. A parishioner who owned a florist put them up with big purple ribbons. Magically on Christmas Eve, the ribbons were changed to red. 

This year I made an Advent wreath for our front door.

It was so simple. I used one of the many fake wreaths that are stacked up in the attic and I just hot glued all those purple ornaments. I love how it turned out. It's a little gaudy, but it's Christmas!

I found the ornaments in a big plastic bin for super cheap. The bins were all one color. So, I bought a set of red also. I'll be ready to swap wreaths on Christmas Eve.

Tomorrow we'll put the ornaments on the tree and enjoy our traditional fondue dinner and dessert. 


liniecat said...

Great wreaths!
Love the purple too - ace!

Lisa K Gist said...

I'm a big nerdy fan of the church calendar and its colors and always feel a little seasonally rushed, what with all the premature use of red everywhere! I feel like I've found a member of my tribe when I see Advent purple on the loose.

Joanne S said...

OH, Deborah, that wreath looks so gorgeous on your door.
I didn't know about the purple and red.