Monday, September 03, 2012

Still Love It!

I created this series of small art quilts in 2006. It was the original workshop sample for my workshop, Small Art Quilts: Designing a Series. I'm teaching this workshop at the Nimble Fingers Quilt Guild in Potomac, MD on Wednesday.

Since then, I've revised, improved and updated my handouts, but I still just adore this series of small art works. The workshop is based on improvisation composition using the Principles of Design as helpful inspiration. It's super fun and I'm always eager to see what students create!

At the request of the guild, I've condensed it into a half-day workshop and I'll be providing kits. It was so fun to shop for fabric that would be inspiring but also practical. I promise to take some pictures and share them with you next week.

My work and personal style has changed a little since then, but I still follow some of the same process so it's always a delight to share it with others. It's kind of funny to think about how things change in six years... what we do the same and what we do differently. What we still love and what we have left behind.

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