We happened upon Nik Wallenda giving a press conference and QandA session with local school kids. This was Thursday, the day before his historic walk across the falls on a tight rope.
He was so enthusiastic! He emphasized how thankful he was for this unique opportunity and answered all kinds of questions about what he would wear, was he scared, how big is the cable, what about the water, the birds, the wind...
The black line above us in this picture is the cable that he walked across on Friday night. (We enjoyed watching on tv. Did you?)
The beautiful horseshoe falls in the background and the cable again... can you believe that slope?
Even though my parents have lived in the Niagara Falls area for many years, they had never done the "Cave of the Winds" tour on the American side of the falls. So, we had to do that too! Mandatory safety sandals. Lovely!
Benjamin before the tour: dry.
Claire before the tour: also dry.
After walking down the pathway a bit, you can look to the left and see the horseshoe falls in the distance and THOUSANDS of seagulls. Look closely amongst the rocks, you'll see them too.
To the right you can see the Niagara Gorge and the wooden platforms that we're walking toward. And lots of other folks in yellow ponchos.
Ben was really enjoying every moment! All of these wooden platforms are dismantled at the end of the season and rebuilt every spring. They could not survive through the winter.
Claire and my dad. Dad carried all of our shoes.
And here's Claire and my mom and the base of the American Falls -- the water is so fast and loud and powerful!
I think the sandals are awesome.
Getting soaked, but still not to the deck closest to the falls.
Claire thought this sign was somewhat ironic.
Here is Benjamin on the "hurricane deck" right up next to the falls. You can see he is the only one there. Claire ran in also -- but I missed getting a picture of both of them. Benjamin kept running in and out. He loved it.
Benjamin after the tour: soaked and happy!

By the way, there is no actual cave. What's up with that?
What, no cave? Who cares though when you can pretend you're in a hurricane?
I have got to take a trip upstate; I haven't been since I was little and the kids never had. Looks awesome (in every connotation of the word)!
Now Benjamin will NOT forget it! Looks awesome, road trip!
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