In August, we squeezed in one last trip before school started. We went to visit Jeff's parents in southern Illinois -- just across the river from St. Louis. The visit did not turn out to be an adventure-filled-time-with-Grandparents since Grandpa was recovering from a very serious illness. But, it was still very very good. Good to be with family.
We did take one day to visit
The City Museum. I've blogged about this amazing place before. Seriously. Still amazing. In fact, it's probably one of my very favorite places in the whole world. I have been lucky to visit many places, there is no place like The City Museum.
These pictures don't begin to tell the whole story...
There is a new giant rope swing.

The roof-top garden/playground is open, guarded by a giant praying mantis. (See him in the middle of this picture?)

Here he is again... watching over Jeff shooting down a slide.

Coolest bench ever.

Looking up seven stories into the old shoe factory, now giant maze/cave/tunnel/slide/explore-arama!

That is a mirrored, mosaic column behind me -- one of many. (Not to mention the mosaic floor.) Amazing.

One of our other favorite places...

Visiting favorite places is very special, but that's just extra. The really good stuff is spending time with favorite people -- like cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents. Family.
We actually have some family in that area -- must go visit them as an excuse to go to the explore-orama! I did stop at Ted Drewes many years ago as the kick-off to a Route 66 cross country drive.
made my second visit to the city museum this summer with my grandson! what a fun place & we still haven't seen it all!
What a beautiful story and time.
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