My friend
Kristin's husband has started an amazing project that many of you have heard about. He is an Army officer serving in Iraq. The project is called Iraqi Bundles of Love (IBOL). Since he knows that quilters have lots of stuff in their stashes and are such generous people, he has asked us to pack up some supplies to be shared with local Iraqis. You can get all the info on his
IBOL blog.Apparently, he originally hoped to get 30 bundles. He has already received over 100 and has been assigned a warehouse in which to store the boxes.
I brought a stack of boxes and pre-written customs forms to the Dallas Area Fiber Artists meeting last night.

They were all taken home with promises of being packed and shipped by the Sept 7 deadline.
There are several pictures on Art's blog of cats helping to pack up IBOL. Here's a dog to throw in the mix. I caught him yawning. Apparently Lincoln is not so interested in boxes.

I hope you'll make your way to the nearest post office and pick up one of the special APO priority mail boxes. (But don't go to the one on Colony Blvd. I cleaned them out yesterday.) Pack it up, send it off and imagine women in Iraq stitching and creating and connecting with a larger community.
Thanks so much for doing this! I am packing my box tonight and sending it by this weekend. I also went to the website for Sew, Mama, Sew! and purchased one of their IBOL for them to send (it is only $15).
Wow, what a great idea to take the boxes to the meeting!! His site is so interesting and the idea is just wonderful. Good luck!
Lincoln is no cat.
Thank you so much for promoting the project -- the response has been fantastic. FYI, just by putting an APO address on the box you get the discount, so if your post office only has regular large Flat Rate boxes it's OK. :-)
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