The theme was challenging to me. I could go off in a thousand different directions. I could dig deep into my soul and try to define who I really am. (I really didn't want to bother with that.) So I decided to begin with my name and the story of Deborah in the bible. I've been using scripture as indirect inspiration quite a bit lately.
So, Deborah "held court under the palm" (Judges 4:5). Perfect, I love tree imagery. I can use that. Sisera will be "delivered into your hands" (Judges 4:7). Good, I can use the hand as a symbol. Plus, it fits nicely with the "identity" theme. There is also talk about the "hill country" in these verses.
So, I've got a bunch of disconnected images drawn from a pretty obscure reference for "identity." Is that ok? It's going to have to be.
I started with this.
The palm morphed into a kind of berry stalk. Artistic license. You can see that I began to add some reddish seed stitching in the sky section. There are some things I like about this piece and others I don't.
Then I did this.
Again, some parts are ok and others not-so-much. I've shared both pieces with lots of people and nearly everyone prefers one. I happen to prefer the other. Care to share your opinion? I'll probably finish both.
And while you're at it... I want to put something in the palm of the hand. Suggestions?
I like #2! How about something to do with family in your palm (a seed?). Seems that is so important to your identity. love, mom
I love #2 also. Hannah
I like both - I think #2 appears more finished - but I like the colors of #1 more but it looks like a starting point rather than an end point.
One of your small accordian books with the inspirational verse on it might be nice in the palm.
You are such an inspriation.
Number two is my pick! How about a clock or hour glass in the hand? Time doesn't stand still, but we've all go the same amount in our hands... :) Lucy
I like no. 1 but I identify with you more with no.2. What about a bird, or a word in your palm.
I say to go with the one you prefer. Sometimes that how I decide which of two things I like better -- see what everyone else says and then observe if I'm disappointed with the decision, or agree with it.
I like the idea of words in teh hand -- that's very you and can tie into holding court, or verses themselves.
As soon as I saw #2, I knew it was you!! And my thought was words or a heart in your hand. But I like the suggestion above about the little booklet with the saying too. Karen from Maine
I'm like Jo. I like the moody colours in #1 but overall prefer # 2. As Deborah means "bee", perhaps you could incorporate a bee somewhere. Pollinators do such important work...
I like #2 better, especially the houses. I like the idea of placing some words or a clock in the hand.
Just curious, how did you make the hands?
It might be trite, but how about a heart - I like the second one best too.
I like them both but the ethereal quality of the first one tugs at me more. Maybe words or letters from the verse floating in/out of the hand, maybe printed on organza, or maybe words in the shape of the heart.
Lovely work, thanks for sharing!
Karen in Virginia
I think your name should be stitched into the hand.
I like them both.
I like No. 1 and perhaps you could add an eye to the hand
In number 1, the leaf/berry stalk is clearly the focal point; the hand is beautiful but subtle. In number 2, the yellow houses *really* jump out...but the hand is more apparent, and I think that is a good thing. How would it look with a toning layer of organza or other painted/colored sheer over the houses ... or do you want them to be the focal point?
In the hand: your family...whether a heart, locks of hair (real or symbolic), their names.....
Beautiful Deborah! Hugs, Sarah
number 2. The houses, but the stalk with the berries: beautiful!
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