Big fluffy flakes in the early afternoon, while the kids were still at school.
They could hardly wait to go outside when they came home. Even Lincoln was excited.
Claire went straight to work on a snowman.
We don't have any proper snow boots any longer. Her feet must have been freezing. She didn't seem to mind.
This is about as far as she got yesterday afternoon. collect this.
Can you see that big container filled with snow sitting in my freezer?
I suppose Texas continues to surprise me.
They gave us a snow day today...why I'm not sure. All the roads were clear this morning in our neighborhood, but I guess they were still in bad shape somewhere.
Claire's snowmen are wonderful! The boys were all about snow angels and only made one small snowman and then promptly plowed it over with a dump truck.
Remember when Dad would make us snow ice cream? You should do the same with the container in the freezer.
I'm sure that it was just sugar, vanilla and loads of green food coloring.
Say hi to the kids for us.
and Texas continues to surprise me too!
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