I'm feeling quite profound about my own groceries --- now that I have reusable bags! Check me out!
There has been more and more news about our consumption of plastic bags. Really, it's gotten out of control. So, I'm doing my part. Plus, they are so much easier to pack, carry, and store
I know you're making regular trips to the grocery also. See if your store sells reusable bags. And for goodness sake, if you go to the bookstore (and I know you do), do you really need a bag if you just buy a book or two? Just tuck them under your arm and off you go.
I made cloth grocery bags and usually remember them. My problem is that I bake bread and used to freeze the loaves in grocery bags. Now I am out of them. I guess I'll try to find someone with lots and re-use them.
Your bags are so well coordinated compared to my motley crew. And even though it's commonplace in Europe to use cloth bags, I do get perplexed looks from teh baggers on the military post. They are much more apt to fill teh bags though -- rather than the two items per that is usually the case when they use plastic. I tip extra for full bags and a little patience with my European sensibilities.
stop & shop gave me 3 for being a good customer-don't ask. I use them and think they're great. I even make an effort to put them back in the car when I empty the groceries. That in itself is a small miracle. It's one of the very small things people can do to help. The down side is that my friend used to get the plastic my bags to pick up after her dog($50 fine in my village) Oh well, the good, the bad, and the icky.
These bags will have themselves paid off long before they wear out. That's the downside to my bags. I like how roomy they look and how nicely they seem to stack up. I'm right there with you in this plastic bag thing. Thanks for linking to my blog!
I bought some at Trader Joe's. I just keep them in the back of my minivan so I have them for grocery shopping, clothes shopping, whatever. They are great. (And I don't know why the grocery stores insist on putting gallons of milk in plastic bags. They are easier to carry out of the bag!)
What do you use to pick up the dog poo with if you don't get the plastic bags?
He calls her Groceries because she's "carrying around too much stuff" with her all the time (mental stuff), I think! :) Lucy
I use foldable crates for my shopping and we have cotton bags you can buy pretty much everywhere. They are the one Kristin La Flamme used in her quilt ... they are a very popular give-away and I own at least five - after purging another five or eight.
We shop with a wide assortment of cloth bags from Dillons, Whole Foods, Wild Oats, National Cathedral, and Central Market. One is tie-died because I was having so much fun and ran out of clothing!
I also bought a bunch of IKEAs huge bags and keep one in each car, and also use one regularly to lug stuff (I can't stand carrying separately a purse and diaperbag or purse and workout bag and office stuff, etc)
Good for you!
the bags at my kroger in michigan are $2.99 and you don't get that big nickle each time you use them - what a rotten deal for us!!!
Or make your own quilted book bag ;-)
omigosh, i LOVE richard in Eat, Pray, Love! he reminds me of, oh, about a dozen men i know. i liked that book so much i bought a copy for my yoga instructor and then bought the CD to listen to the last time i drove to houston.
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