This is a clay creche I made in 1996 -- before I discovered fiber. (We call them creches in my family and I'm sad to hear almost no one else call them that anymore.)

It's not a great picture. I'm sorry. I remember my ceramics teacher was so intrigued that I made Baby Jesus separate from his manger. Well, of course... we don't put Baby Jesus out until Christmas. He usually is hidden in some drawer until the big day. (I took him out for the photo.) Yes, that is a paper clip that the shepherd is holding. (I always intended to make a nicer wire crook, but then the paper clip became part of the tradition and it stays.)
We have lots creches, but not as many as my mom and dad. They have a wonderful amazing museum-worthy collection. I love getting them all out at Christmas time.
Great job! I love this creche. I call them creches at home, but no one knows what I am talking about outside the faamily. We must be in the same family - ha! I love the abstract quality of your figurs. I'm so glad you shared this.
I may be in the family as well. I can't remember if we called them creches or nativity scenes growing up, but I definitely use creche now because of it's similarity to the german word krippe.
Well, we are four for four...they are creches in my world, too. I have one that is also ceramic, but I didn't make it. With four cats and the canine horse, though, I rarely put it out as I don't want it broken...we have no good out of the way spot. Well, maybe. I cleaned off the sideboard in the living room recently...just put all the clutter in a drawer. I could clutter it back up just for the season! Hmmmm..... stay tuned!
Hugs and happy eggnog, Sarah
I love this nativity (yup I call it that, sorry!) I collect them but so far have evry traditional looking ones in moss covered stables. I really love the absractness of yours. Just lovely.
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