Maybe you can't really tell. Or you thought he had a couple of bouncy balls in his cheeks. Actually his whole muzzle is swollen as a result of a bug bite. (We think.) And actually the initial swelling was way worse. This picture was after the antihistimine and steriod shots that the vet gave him.
Lincoln had just come in from outside and he was whining a bit, gagging and pawing at his mouth. I was searching all around his teeth and gums and I couldn't see anything. Then all of the sudden, his jowls started to swell up right in my hands. Of course, I was very worried that his throat might swell up and he wouldn't be able to breathe. Luckily we have a great vet and she's just down the road and it happened during business hours!
Never a dull moment.
Here are some more glamours shots.

"Wanna play?!"

Good boy.


Always underfoot.
Ah, Poor Lincoln. Around here, it's almost always a spider bite that gives a poor pup that look. (do you have black widows?) Hope he's healing well. (love the dogs, hate the vet bills)...
Don't you love the way dogs view desk's leg room as their own personal cave??
Deborah, he is just so cute. I can't stand it! Paddy is just the same, laying on our feet (or is it lying?) and following us around. We will have to have a "play date" some year... take care & happy thanksgiving! Lucy
Poor boy!
My dog was stung by a bee when he was little, and the result was just the same. Now he's even afraid of flies...
Poor baby....Shanny used to catch and eat wasps and bees and, somehow never got stung (or, if he did we never saw anything untoward).
I wonder how much longer your feet and Lincoln are going to be able to occupy that space under the desk...This is why I like to kennel train my dogs. Kaiser often retreats to his kennel when he needs a break and he sleeps in there. Dogs like that "cave" feel.
Well, he's certainly in the "leggy" stage. In Maine they would say he was "gaumy". Not sure I spelled that right, but this is a word they use to describe pre-teens and awkward adolescents. He's just adorable. I hope his nose stays all black coz it's cute as a button. Pet pictures are always appreciated!!!
the same thing happened to our 4 1/2 lb chihuahua the day before we left for California this summer. They started her with bendryl, that worked for a while but at 10:30 pm when her eye swelled up even with the benedryl I ended up at the emergency vet for a steroid shot.
The problem with texas is there are SO MANY creepy crawly stinging biting creatures. Don't you love the flying cock roaches?
Oh thank you for my doggie pics!!! He is "leggy" as I knew he would be. Six months or so and they have that look.
His poor face!!! Wow, you must have freaked when he started swelling up right in your hands!
And I would love to have him underfoot or overfoot. My friend's dog--Deja-- likes to be close to my friend, always. Their second dog sleeps in the dog bed-- I guess Maggie knows she's not "first dog" and makes the best of it.
Sounds almost like a rattle snake bite. My cousin lives in Midland. His doges are bitten every year by rattlers. As long as it's on the head, it's ok...and that's the part they stick into places!
Glad Lincoln is better. Good vet. Our vet makes house calls, and we really like that!!
My dear departed Brownie woke me out of a nap a long time to let me know that she was in pain - muzzle swollen up like that. The vet decided it was from licking herself after I had sprayed her down with an over the counter flea preventative. The vet said lots of dogs are sensitive to the preservatives in the formulas. Not always a bug bite.
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