I am making progress on the baby quilts. But I won't be able to share pix of those for a few months. And I do have some Christmas gifts in the works (at least in my head), but those also will have to wait until after the holidays to be blogged.
Kate finished her marvelous map quilt. She added couched roads and trails and lovely quilting since the last time. This quilt will be the subject of a year-long raffle fund raiser for the ... something something something environmental something. I am confident it will raise big bucks for them. Yeah, Kate!

Kate also taught a mini fusing workshop to some highschool kids recently. Remember at our last Frayed Edges meeting, we did some sample pieces for her? She brought some of the results including this lovely piece.

She said the artist was carefully cutting out those swirlys and Kate assumed they would be fused on top of the "trunks." Surprise... actually, they are bushes. So arty. I think the piece would be better without the cloud blob, but that's just me.
Kathy has been working on these amazing advent calendars with portraits of her neices, nephews and grandchildren. She is making 9!!!! Can you believe it?

These portraits are amazing and then they are embellished with all kinds of interesting stuff including Ella's green kitty, transluscent ornaments, beads beads beads, ribbons, hand stamped numbers, and beautiful quilting. She's already shopped for items to fill all the pockets (times 9) and will simply have to restock each year. What a treasure!
Have I mentioned that Advent is my favorite season of the year? More on that later. But I will say Benjamin and I are going out tomorrow to shop for purple tapers.
Sarah shared an amazing quilt that will be entered in one of those shows that prohibits publishing the photo before it's accepted. So, you don't get to see it, but I will say that I was just looking at the picture I took and it really is marvelous. Red red red and full of wonderful Sarah detail that makes it all her own.
Isn't this a cute little bag? Created totally for FREE.

Kate has a friend that works at the LLBean factory store where they were GIVING AWAY these little bags... because they had been embroidered with some logo which actually had been cut away from all the bags, leaving them with the big hole in the side. Yes, clearly not worth paying for. And then Kate discovered two little bug patches in a stash of fabric and stuff that had been passed on to her when a member of Art Quilts Maine passed away. Luckily the patches were the same size as the hole. Viola! The perfect size bag to carry your sun screen and bug spray during Black Fly Season in Maine.
And check out that snappy orange watch!
When I was looking at that last pic, before I read the commentary about it, the very first thing I saw and thought was "oooooh, fabulous watch!" [grin]
Great fun looking at your FE arty pics!
You can post about the Frayed Edges all you like. Fun group with great projects, you are lucky.
Kate's map quilt is fantastic!
Once again, reading about our group gives me a feel of stardom... ooooh, luscious.
Speaking of stardom... Hooray for your angel being published. They obviously hadn't heard us kvetch (sp?) about the second installment of angels neing a bit ho-hum. QA's featuring your little beauty will keep me from complaining about installment #3!!!! Congratualtions again. Nothing like glossy paper to make a piece come alive.
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