I bought the canvases at Michaels. They were not on sale. I get so impatient when I have an idea, but in the future I'd wait for a sale or at least a coupon. Or I'd try Dick Blick which everyone says has good prices. I got the kind with the clean sides, no visable staples. Then I just painted them. I did layers and layers of paint because I was never satisfied with the results. I was trying to make backgrounds for the quilts that would be complementary but not distracting. Ultimately I decided I would have prefered one nice solid color, but when I showed them to the Frayed Edges, they all liked the swishy water-colory combination of colors.
This one is called Flourish. The quilt is 5x7 and the mount is 8x10. I know you can't see it very well. That's so you can get a perspective on the stretched canvas. You can see the quilt better here.

And here is Blessings Arch. The quilt is 8.5 x 14.5 and the canvas is 12 x 16. I love how all those frayed edges show up against the flat slick canvas background. It's fabric!

And here is Creative Spirit, also 5x7 on an 8x10 canvas. I made this for a challenge for The FAZ yahoo group administered by the lovely and talented Alma Stoller who recented started a new blog! Check her out. I am indebted to her for pushing me to try new things and connecting me with lots of other wonderful fiber artists.

The best thing about Creative Spirit is the incredible light switch that my super fantastic talented sister made to coordinate with it. They both are in our green and blue slightly Asian bathroom. Can you believe how cool this is?

I love flipping on the lights every morning. It's made with polymer clay and if you must know more details you can check out her website or her blog or even her appearance on Crafters Coast to Coast. In fact they are rerunning her episode on Wednesday. Check your local listings.
Oh I never mentioned how I actually mounted the quilts on the canvas. Glue. I would have stitched them, but the stretcher bars in the back were wider than the quilts so I couldn't just needle through the canvas.
Especially since you live in Maine.. (anywhere near Portland?)...
Instead of Dick Blick or Michael's check out Artist and Craftmans supply. The guy only owns 12 stores (he says more, and he'd have to treat it like a business...). But everything is 40% the prices you find at places like Michael's.
Online: www.artistcraftsman.com
In Portland: 540 Deering Ave., 04103.
Deborah, the plate cover is wonderful. I've saved your sister's website to my favorite and I hope to catch her if I can on Wednesday.
This is a brilliant, super fantastic idea and you are not Sonji!! I may steeaal this idea!!
O my goodness! I am definitely going to do this canvas thing. So wonderful with the paint, but what about buying your own stretchers and covering them with coordinating fabrics? (This is from someone with ooodles of leftover stretcher frames)
The switchplate cover is also brilliant and your shot of it exceeds those on her website.
What a great design!
Yes, mounting on canvas is wonderful. I've done it too. The only thing is that it can be expensive. Less so, if you are making your own stretchers and prepping it all yourself. But still lots more work.
I love the birds. They are so animated and colorful. Wouldn't it be great to have them as "illustrations" for a fabric book. That would be a fun project for you family. We did something like that for a friend once, but not as cute as your birds.
That switchplate is to die for. Cuteness everywhere.
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