It was a pot-luck brunch. I made...
Froggy Cupcakes

They were a big hit. Jeff said there were even some tears shed by kids whose parents were not quick enough (or wise enough) to snatch a little froggy before they were gone. Of course, you know Benjamin loves greeen and froggys. So this was a fun project for all of us. Of course, I was left with a huge bag of gumdrops -- less the green ones. I promptly threw it away because that's the kind of junk that gets eaten just because it's there not because anyone likes them.
Benjamin got a year-end certificate and was awarded the "future stand-up comedian" title. He tells really funny knock-knock jokes. And even more important than that... he generally thinks everything thing around him is giggle-worthy.
The yard at Benjamin's school is amazing. You can get a bit of a sense of it here. That's Claire and Benjamin getting ready to ride the mini-roller coaster.

There are two nice swingsets, rocks to climb on, vegetable and flower gardens, a secret path, sand box, water table, mulch mountain --- tons of potential for getting dirty and "developing gross motor skills."
I made two fabric postcards as year-end gifts for the teachers. You'll see those later in the week.
Wow! I love the froggy cupcakes! I want those for my birthday!
Great cupcakes! What a fun and creative baker you are! Takes me back...Jen
Those froggy cupcakes are TOO cute! I might've cried at not getting one too. :-)
You must come and decorate cookies with me.
I'm in love with the froggy goodness. What a great Mom you are! Your children are lucky to be loved so much, and to be immersed in such a creative atmosphere. Yay you!
Love the cupcakes! Too cute!
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