Attic Window, newly improved and mounted on a cedar shingle, about 6.5 x 16 inches

We had our local guild meeting last night. I really enjoyed it. Here's the best story of the night. One gal who was there appeared to have injured her nose in some way. Maybe she had something removed, or fell and scraped it up... I'm not sure. But she had a big bandage on. Rather than just have the white gauze and bandaid showing, she went to her stash and found a fabric that matched her skin tone, cut out a triangle and put it over the bandage. Can't you just see her standing in front of the mirror comparing swatches?
Great idea. Looks very artsy! I will try to post about my screen printing. first I have to go out for sushi and clean up my mess!!
Very Kool Deborah, how did you attach the quilt to the wood?
I really like the piece,and it WAS a good idea to attach it to the shingle! Very nice.
ya know i love those skeleton leaves but the collage is neat and i have the same question as Mel.
I drilled some holes in the shingle, two in each top corner, then stitched the quilt through the holes. But then it wasn't sitting quite straight, so I straightened it then GLUED it down. I used to think glue had no place in quilts, but now I think that's ridculous and I use it to attach lots of things. Sometimes I stitch over the glued item and sometimes not. What do you think about GLUE?! (Outside of fusible, which, obviously, is perfectly acceptable, but is also a glue of sorts.)
Deborah, I have an unfinished quilt top that I used fabric glue on turn under applique without the sewing.
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