Ok, so in order to alieviate my own decision making and add some humor to this whole deal I'm offering the following outfits for you to vote on. Remember it's Saturday from 4 to 6 and it's at a coffee shop --- it's not a fancy gallery cocktail hour kind of event. (Though if any of the other Frayed Edges want to go formal, I think that's grand!)
#1 Blue Springy Blossoms (I bought this skirt when we were in Maryland this weekend. I think some new sandals might be in order. Something lighter -- in color and shape. Hmmm, if only I had several hundred dollars with which to buy one of Manolo's recommendations. But, Payless is having their Buy One Get One Half Price Sale...)

#2 In Homage to Christo (Kate turned me on to the huge rack of orange jackets at Goodwill. Brand new only 95 cents... but all in petite sizes, which works for me. This outfit definetely needs some faboo necklace which might have to be procured with a trip to the bead store later this week.)

Metro Red (This is pretty simple, but a little funky. Those red pants fit great -- they were a good purchase even though they cost more than 95 cents. The sleeves are sheer and there is a bit of beading on the shirt. )

I can hardly wait to read your comments. Please be kind... I'm certainly not "America's Next Top Model!"
You're standing exactly the same in all the poses!
You can only wear #1 if you get new shoes. If you don't, the red pants. They do fit you very well, I'm jealous.
I'm a little sad that we'll miss the show. Damn snow days... Take lots of pictures.
Oufit number 3 because it is defitely what I would wear. I probably have that outfit, but unfortunately it is not in that size!! Number 1 is too cute and preppy. I can't remember # 2 which tells you something right there. Whatever - have a wonderful opening!!
See, I vote for the orange jacket as the statement piece with some funky artsy jewelry with the jeans and orange (or is it saffron?) shoes.
My favorite outfit is #1, but I think #2 looks more Maine-type artsy, especially with the right jewelry.
I think #1 is a little bit school-girlish looking, so I'm not loving that one.
I like #3 a lot! Very trendy, in a good way.
But my vote is for #2 because of the jacket. That shade of orange is fabulous on you! It's classic, but still shows flair. I agree it would be even better with a really great necklace or pair of earrings. And personally, I'd throw on a contrasting color t-shirt instead of white, but then I admit I have the color fetish. :-)
I vote for outfit #3 - it is casually artsy without being too trendy, looks like the most fun, and looks comfortable for wearing in a stand up then sit down then stand up then sit down, etc kind of event. Also I think I would be more likely to approach you in #3 than in the other outfits. But whatever you decide - have a great event!
Lucy says...
I vote for the orange jacket outfit! White shirt, or another color. If you reject that...then red pants. I think the skirt is more churchy or baby-showerish than artish. How's that for precision? NOW to find what I'm going to wear in London this weekend!! Lucy
You know Deborah, whatever you wear is going to look svelte and fabulous...but I vote for #3 or a combi of orange jacket AND red pants. Approachable? Absolutely. Artsy? Definitely... and that's what we're looking for, right?!
Hold Everything!!! YOu must wear all black to an art opening. It's in the handbook!!
Deb, you are adorable and very brave to take those pictures and ask us to vote.
Now honestly, the orange jacket is great and would be vastly improved with a set of shoulder pads, thus filling out the line and reducing the fullness. Wear it with a tight lowcut black tee, and black jeans or slacks and those cute sandals. Big hoop earrings, hair up with lots of product producing spikes. Now we're talking artist!
Gotta go with the orange jacket, red pants and a black top or the top you are wearing with the red pants. I'm not into jewelry but you definately need a necklace and/or cool pin. Curl the hair a touch or make it a bed head with product.
#2!!! Especially with a funky/cool necklace. And your shoes look best with the jeans. Fabulous dahlink...
ORANGE JACKET....says hey here I am definately orange then black jeans and black scoop neck tee of course with your new black sandals...
if you dont have black jeans .. I would go with the red this was my first thought ...
go for it girl you look fabuloous
If we are voting on the ensembles as presented... it's GOT to be #3.
#1 looks like kindergarden teacher or pta meeting. And it need better sandals.
#2. Is getting closer, but it's not funky enough. Now if you have some great chunky jewelry...ideally turquoise... (though I suspect you don't) and black or chocolate brown pants, it would be OK.
Ensemble #3. Although I do love that orange jacket :-) Maybe you could just wear it with #3 anyway. Cheers, Claire
Orange jacket, jeans, and maybe some kind of beads, but ixnay on the adspay.
I love #2 because it really stands out. I know I'd wear it with a thin scarf as a belt with the ends hanging long and loose, long beads and those pointy, sparkly, beaded flat shoes that are so hot right now.
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