I am beginning a daily art, study and meditation project.
Here is today's work.

Always Before Me, 9x6.5"
I really enjoyed the process.

These are somewhat unusual colors for me, don't you think? As I'm looking at the picture on the screen, I am wondering if it might be better horizontal?

It seems more like a sunset or moonrise in this orientation, which was not my intention, but that's ok. This also emphasizes my awful photo taking skills. It's not that wonky shape in real life. And of course, gravity would do something different with those threads if it were actually hanging this way.
It's in my
Etsy shop if you're interested.
I think it needs to stay vertical. I still get the moon reference (intentional or not) -- vertically it's just coming out from behind some clouds. Did you paint the grey fabric or did it come that way? It's absolutely beautiful in a soft,rainy kind of way. And yes, very different mood for you. Contemplative. Quiet. I like it.
Deborah - would you be willing to describe a little more what your daily art, study and meditation project is about? I find myself being drawn to some form of daily practice and I'm curious about how other people engage in such activities.
and ... on screen at least I find myself responding more strongly to the portrait orientation of your composition...
I love the extended threads.
they kick it up a notch.
What a fabulous idea! I'd love to do something similar, on a lesser grand scale, of course. Maybe even in writing. Love this piece.
WOW. It brought tears to my eyes. Really excellent meditation.
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