Here are two more kids quilts. I'll post the last one tomorrow. Aren't they so fun?!
I think this one is titled Surprising Sports.

I've edited out the names of the kids on this one. That's why there are some blurry areas.

The sports quilt was the first one we added names to and then we decided the names were a bit of a distraction from the design of the quilt. For all of the others, we had the kids each write their name on the label in addition to the quilt title, their teacher's name, the name of the school, our city and the date.
This one is called Expedition Ocean. I love that title.

This is the quilt from Claire's class. She created the blue whale munching on seaweed in this detail.

I love the rainbow! And the narwhal peeking up at the bottom of this detail.

I think I'll also repost all the full shots in one post so we can see them all at once with their titles and dimensions. Come back next week to see that.
I can't wait to see them all together to pick a favorite, but I suspect that will be hard as they are all so great and your quilting makes them extra special. Just a great project!
Awwww... these are turning out adorable!
having been lucky enough to see them last Monday night, I have to say I love the houses one - I can hardly wait to see the photos of all of them together.
also - I, too, would love to hear more about your daily project.
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