Check out this amazing quilt created by fourth graders at my kids' school. This class chose a beach theme.

That's a big toothy, grinning sun! (And an alien jelly fish. Yikes!)

As I've been quilting, I'm been ruminating on how much more this project turned out to be for me -- and for the kids too, I think. That will take more time to put into to words, but it's good. Very good.
This is absolutely fabulous! I get the feeling that it was very much a mutual learning experience. The kids learned to do something really fun and satisfying and who knows all the wonderful things you learned from the experience!
I am enjoying these so much. It is just great what you are doing and I bet the kids are amazed at what their little whimseys have become! Fabulous!
I love this beach scene. i thought the jelly fish was wearing sun glasses, but being an alien makes much more sense ;-) The sun is my absolute favorite though. i could look at this all day and make up silly stories to go with all the "characters."
These are so wonderful. I love the freedom that children have in their art.
Bless your heart, those children will remember this project! Who knows, you may have the next "Picaso" of the future quilt world in your class. Very cool!
I hope you bring these little beauties to DAFA on Monday. Would love to see them in person. PP
These quilts are beautiful. Yes, I understand how you have learned too, as I doubt you would have ever put these items together - - yet, they are priceless! This may cause us adults to look at things differently, and not get caught up on so much value, hue, balance, etc. Thank you again.
Rhonda M.
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