You Tube
I've seen some super funny videos on You Tube lately. Seriously, can you imagine how much time one could "waste" just clicking from clever video to clever video? Let's just say, a lot
This is a very witty, smart, musical rant about Pachelbel's Canon in D.
Not tired of Pachelbel? Here is another witty and much more sentimental but still quite funny version of the famous canon.
And while we are celebrating singing, parodying parents, check out this. Yowza. I need a deep breathe after that.
Well... I haven't read much of interest lately, but Elizabeth Gilbert, author of "Eat, Pray, Love" will be on Oprah on Friday. I've set my dvr. I know you've all read it, so you might want to watch it too.
I did finish the NYT Crossword puzzle in less than 12 minutes this morning. Ah, I love the Monday puzzle. Can we file this under "books?"
Jeff and I are loving "Long Way Round." It's a documentary about Ewan McGregor and his friend Charley and their motorcycle trip from London to NYC -- the long way round. Yes, just one short plane trip from eastern Russia to Alaska. We're about half way through the second dvd and they have just left Mongolia and are back in Russia.
Wow. I just discovered that a new documentary called "Long Way Down" is coming out this month. Same guys rode from the tip of Scotland to Cape Town, South Africa.
All four of us are so excited that the third season of "Avatar" is finally airing on Nick. In fact, I believe a Katara costume is in the works for Halloween.

I'm hoping Casey wins "Top Chef" because not only will she be the first woman to win, but she works here in Dallas, so I might actually get to taste some of her food!
Totally enjoyed the season premier of "Brothers and Sisters." And now I'm going to watch "How I Met Your Mother."
My hubby shared the Pachabel rant with me a while ago since we forbid the quartet at our wedding to play it. I'd not seen the mom song though. OMG! ROTFLMAO!! We had an "If your friends jumped off a bridge..." moment this weekend! :-)
thanks for the laughs-the Mom is awesome. I'm hoping for Casey too. I think she really deserves it. Thanks for the Elizabeth Gilbert tip-I read that book because of you and I would have hated to miss her.
Our vote is for Casey, too. Hung is just too cocky, and she seems to have shown real improvement during the season.
Thanks for giving us a heads up about Brothers and Sisters last spring. We were able to catch up over the summer, and now it's one of the things we watch soon after being tivoed.
The Mom / William Tell Overture is HILARIOUS>.. I may have to post that on my blog as well (crediting you of course!)...
Hmmmm--Top Chef. Just discovered it on day-long reruns on Bravo.... as a former visa officer, I am a total sucker for the American Dream-immigrant thing, so would like Hung to win, but would be quite happy with either him or Casey. And frankly, I think all three of them will land on their feet and get good jobs.
Avatar...the kids love it, even 13-yo Joshua. I like it because it is literate. Will tell Eli it has started up again. Halloween... I think it is the Blues Brothers, so a trip to Salvation Army for suit coats is in the, where to find not-gross, not-a-fortune-new fedoras.....
Cheers, Sarah
Casey is my girl! So hope that she wins. Don't you just love the looks she gets on her face - I know it is good editing, but they are priceless.
Thanks for the heads about about Elizabeth Gilbert. I will have M & M here so there will be no TV.
Hello dear. So glad you are liking Long Way 'Round. Too bad the Ukrainians look totally NUTS. Loved the glimpses of Kazhakstan...
Now i'll add the Long Way Down to my Netflix Que.. how do you spell that again?
Sitting in Little Dog. Surfing High Speed, missing you.
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