I made seven pillows -- four for the window seat, two for the couch and a tiny accent pillow for the rocker in the living room. Actually the tiny pillow was too tiny, so I'm going to make another one slightly larger. So actually, that makes eight pillows. With cording!

Here you can see I also made four placemats and four napkins. Please come over and we'll have some little tea sandwiches and cookies. We can sit right here at the table. The placemats that were on this table can now be used on the back deck. That's good since the table cloth we have been using outside is way too small.
Then I got crafty and made some tags for these baskets under the window seat. Now everything has its place and surely the kids will put everything where it belongs. (One can hope.) They say "homework," "art supplies," "work books" and "toys and stuff."

Yeah for crossing stuff off your list -- looks good!
Wonderful - I love the new look and can't wait to see it "in person" in just two weeks! I remember helping you shop for those fabrics - goodness, was it a year ago? Love, mom
Hmmmm.....if you can get your kids to actually put stuff where it belongs your next project had better be a book on raising organized kids! I had to go down into the "teen (or man) cave" this morning to get Joey up for an early haircut...YIKES!! Needless to say, he isn't going anywhere today until the downstairs is cleaned up!! Of course, I am STILL trying to put stuff back (and get rid of stuff) since the new floor installation.....I guess he gets it from me.
That window seat with baskets looks a lot like a picture I cut out of a home deco magazine!
Me, too. I made curtains for our bedroom. I have also been purging my closet and drawers of too big clothes and stuff I don't wear anymore. I find it too easy to go to my studio and play and let these sort of jobs wait. I made a to do list and I love to cross things off the list.
I wish I could come over for some of those teas sandwiches!!
Isn't that a fabulous feeling! Great stuff by the way! My table is FULL of projects like that and ick. I guess if I finish them and move them, I can do "fun stuff"...ick....off to hem pants!
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