She's done lots of reading, study and practice about hypnobirthing and other means of natural childbirth. I had the pleasure of sharing all the details of my wonderful hypnobirthing experience with her. When I recently asked if there was anything I could do... she said she would love to have some kind of fabric icon for visualization and meditation in preparing for childbirth. She was thinking about a 10 cm circle -- the magic measurement of dialation for delivery.
I had a wonderful time making this.

I also love that it's just a graphic little decorative item that will be fun to have in baby's room. I said a bunch of prayers and thought a lot about Benjamin's birth while making it.
Oh, this is SO very good. Good, good, good. What a great visualization tool--full of your love and good birthing wishes too, and then stimulation for baby. Fabulous idea, and it's so beautiful!
That is a good visualization tool. How sweet of you to make it for her.
It's got a very hypnotic look to it with the stitches swirling around in the circle and the one yellow bead. Very cool!
I wander over here a lot from Melody's blog. I too had a hyno-birth. A friend of a friend was trying to get certified to teach hypnobrithing classes and needed some people to sit through a sample class with her. So since me and my best friend were both pregnant we said sure. Although I wasn't quite as relaxed as the women in the movies we watched - I definately think it helped. Tell your friend "Good luck!"
I agree that this will make a wonderful wallhanging for the baby. I need to make a baby quilt and I am thinking of doing some simple graphic designs in black,white red and yellow.
What a fabulous gift! I love that it is so graphic, babies love that. And the prayers and good thoughts you put into it will surely help during the birthing.
Love it Love it Love it. The visualization was so powerful for me. I used a textbook linedrawing of the uterus with the rings and rings of circular muscles spiraling up (or is it down?). I remember it vividly... "open open open". And it did! Voila, HAVEN!
Your friend is lucky to have something much prettier than my line drawing. Nice work, pal.
Very cool! Love the design!
I don't suppose I had really thought about it, but 10 cm is HUGE....I mean, the inside of my body stretched that large a hole?!!!!! No wonder I couldn't sit for days......
Glad to see you posting again...we leave in a couple of days.....
by the way...did a box arrive at your house? I hope hope hope it did not go astray!!!! I don't think I got insurance or tracking. I didn't know you were going on vacation, and now realize with a great big GULP that we haven't heard anything..... oh oh... NERVES.... posted it a week ago I think?
Cheers, Sarah
I'm the "oldest friend." And it is fantastic! Last night, it popped up in my dream and I sort of became the thread that spirals out in it. It was a very trip-y dream, but also a sign of how helpful the quilt is for my preparation.
Thanks, Deborah!
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