And more recently I had a blast putting this together...

Several months ago I found some fabric that was just perfect for Claire's teacher. It's that focus fabric in the middle of each square. I think I bought three yards knowing that I'd like to make him a quilt some day. He is wonderful, enthusiastic, loving and warm. He was the perfect introduction to school for Claire and for our family.
When we were getting ready to move, I looked at those three yards of fabric and just didn't think I could make it happen. Then I pulled out some other fabrics and that focus fabric and showed the pile to the Frayed Edges. "I need something quick and easy, but fun and great looking, " I said. "I love square in a square, but I just can't stand to cut all those pieces. What should I do?!" This is the perfect question to ask good friends who are also brilliantly talented artists and also understand the dynamics of time.
Wise Kathy said, why not fuse the focus fabric square into the center? Aha! Duh! Lightbulb! Why didn't I think of that?!
Indeed, that's what I did. And it came together in a flash. I had to stitch around the edges of each square because the Wonder Under just didn't take very well to the (cheap) focus fabric, but that was fine.
Here are the kids examining my construction and quilting techniques.

Claire gave the quilt to her teacher the afternoon of her going away party. (We also had cupcakes with Texas flags on the top!) He loved it and promised it would hang in his classroom for years to come. I hope lots of kids enjoy it as much as we enjoyed our time with him!
You will probably never know just how much he will love that quilt. What a nice feeling for you and Claire to know you've left a little reminder of your family behind with this special teacher!
The quilt is wonderful and Terry's right, he will treasure it. It will brighten the classroom for years to come. Great idea! Jen
What a great gift to leave for Claire's teacher. It's a wonderful quilt.
Kids and Quilts. They love them. And the teacher will treasure that quilt. also the time you spent in class as a helper.
That was a great solution Kathy suggested. And it got the quilt made which is the important part.
How sweet to leave that quilt as a part of bringing closure to your time in Maine. Its a fun quilt.
Ain't fusing wonderful? It's my method of choice - perfect for someone like me, with the patience of a gnat.
Shirley in New Zealand
Awwww! What a nice gift to someone important to your family. A good lesson for Claire, too.
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