We had perfect snow man snow on Monday. I skipped yoga to work with Claire on our snowfamily.

Those are sliced of pepperoni for the eyes and quarters of apples for the mouths. Carrots for noses, of course. Do you like the fancy frilly purple scarf the snowmama is wearing? My friend Lisa knit it for me.
And now for the bad news. This arrived yesterday.

Can you see the line that is checked? "RECEIVED WITHOUT CONTENTS." This means that at one of it's stops along the way, the contents escaped from the packaging. Can you imagine anything more terrible? (Well, of course, but you know what I mean...) It gets even worse. Wait until I tell you what was supposed to be in it. This book. I know! Could you just die?!
I made a joke about this package earlier in the week saying that is was running late and thinking the postman must be enjoying it. Be careful what you say!
My mom sent this birthday gift several days ago. I think if she were giving advice after this experience, she would say: Pay extra for priority mail AND use the free, strong, sturdy priority mail boxes and/or envelopes you can get at the post office.
We hope we might be able to track the missing birthday gift down. I'll keep you posted.
The snow family is too cute! Brings back childhood memories of Michigan winter...
Hope that book turns up! Jen
It was great snow man snow wasn't it! I kinda wish I had little ones to make snow people with. Kinda.
About the book. Ahhhh! that makes me so sad.
Although priority gives you tracking ability... Amazon doesn't pay for that (and I sell books on Amazon), but they DO want you to use the bubblewrap padded envelopes.
So, yep, some kind of "commercial" package would help.
Great snow family. I hope your book shows up. I got the same one for Christmas and it ROCKS! My family has taken to having gifts mailed directly from Amazon (just FYI for next time). Of course, we don't have a Borders around the corner, or even in the same country ;-)
The snow family is superfantastic!
The book...ACK!! Hope it turns up!!!
That is a wonderful book. Hope it shows up.
I love the snow family...it's perfect! I wanna make a snow family...but I don't see that happening too soon here in San Antonio!
And that really sucks about the book! Will your mom send you another one, or will you have to go out and buy one yourself?
What a great snow family! And I hope your book shows up!
Yeap, the lost book sucks, but the snow family is very very cool!
Great picture of your family eerr ah snow family that is. LOL Sorry about the book. It is great. I have the hardback edition from a few years ago. This same thing happened to my husband last week. The box came but no merchandise. This was the second shipment. The first time they sent the wrong item. Let's hope the third time is the charm, it's expected on Friday.
It never ceases to amaze me what the USPS gets away with. I shipped 4 books to someone in California and the same thing happened. Interestingly, it was obvious that someone had cut the package open (the only way to get into one of my packages as I basically wrap the entire thing in shipping tape. When I asked about being reimbursed I was told it was not packaged properly. Yeah, right. And no one at the site where the book (s) fell out noticed they were sending on an empty package? And no one thought to look for said contents?? Puleezzeeee.
And forget tracking and insurance. I had a monitor shipped to me with both. It got *lost* and they would only reimburse the wholesale price despite the fact the monitor was insured for the retail.....Sorry, I have VERY little respect for the USPS.
The snow family IS great. Wish we had enough snow to do that.
ouch...but in the meanwhile you can be the first to take out the one that just came for our AQM library!
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