Thursday, May 31, 2012

In the works...

I am working on an exciting new project. Here is an early stage on the process...
I am really enjoying the work and it's a bit funny to look back on this picture where everything looks so controlled, simple and spare. Since then I've delved into chaos, messiness and maybe too much stitching.

Isn't it funny that there is only one little bit of red (it's really kind of magenta-pink)? I am so partial to the yellow/green/blue half of the color wheel. I don't usually think about it as I'm working, but this picture makes it obvious.


Unknown said...

"...chaos, messiness, and maybe too much stitching."

One of my favorite places to be!

Natalya Khorover Aikens said...

can't wait to see pix of the next stage!