The cover is hand painted fabric with a "12" charm. It's just a perfect example of Nikki's work. I love the hand painted, quilted elements she uses in her quilts and she has such a whimsical touch with beads and other embellishments.

Kristin gave everyone these charming little house icons. I love the tiny beads, teeny reverse applique and color palette!
It's hanging amongst a few other cherished pieces of art.

The back is finished just beautifully too.
Terry, Brenda and Terri made 6x6 inch quilts. They are hanging at the bottom of the stairs in my studio. (Below my quilt Framing Flourish.)
I also made a 6x6 inch quilt for everyone. It's reminiscent of my 12x12 quilt She Sits to Dream that I created for the Chair theme -- that's the theme I chose.
Terry's is the bee. It's a reminder of her dandelion quilt from our very first theme. I love the expressive wood-cut nature of the outline of the bee.
Brenda's shibori piece is titled Shine, and I have #1. She originally chose the Illumination theme and it's very similar to her Radiance quilt. The hand stitching and the finishing are just amazing on this tiny piece.
Terri's is titled Birds of Feather and I have #2. I just love all the layers of stitching, paint and fabric she used.
Mine is titled She Sits to Create and I kept #12. I'll share the other chair gift quilts I made soon.
Gerrie gave me a beautifully silk scarf that I wear regularly -- and yet, I have no picture of it.
The friendship I share with all these women is quite an extraordinary gift -- and these tokens are very special reminders of that bond.
I simply loved this post. Thanks! Your blessings have blessed me, and your friends!
I love my tokens too. Your chair hangs above a blue bench and my daughter wanted terri's bird in her room. I have not yet found a place for my bee and illumination pieces. Ah, what wonderful reminders of our visit in Houston!
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