This new book is a perfect example!

Masters: Art Quilts, Vol. 2 is published by Lark and edited by Martha Sielman who is Executive Direction of SAQA. A couple of months ago, Martha and I had a great conversation about publishing books about art quilting with Lark. (They also published our book Twelve by Twelve: The International Art Quilt Challenge.) I know Martha is eager for everyone to enjoy the works of the 40 artists profiled in the book. Here's your chance!
I'm privileged to give away a copy through the massive blog-hop give-away sponsored by Lark. Check out the full list here. It's almost over... just one more day. (Brenda will offer a book on her blog tomorrow.)
Just leave a comment on this post and tell me who your favorite art quilt "master" is. I'll leave comments open for one week and draw a winning name at random on Sept 15.
Difficult to say who my favourite quilt master is. But I believe that Jane Dunnewold is featured in the book and I very much like her work, especially the piece Visual Poetry I featured on her blog.
I am drawn to the more abstract quilts than the realistic ones, although there are many amazing realistic quilt artists out there. Marilyn Belford springs to mind who makes wonderful portraits and shares her knowledge freely at Quilt University
I don't know who is in the book that could be my new favourite. From the last book, it's hard to pick just one. If I were patriotic, I would pick Pam Allen. I love her work. I also love the work of Susan Shie and admire her for all the work she does while being legally blind
I'm still rather new to the area of "art quilts" but have found my way through the works of many great fiber artists. Jane Dunnewold first inspired me to look further into this kind of creating, especially surface design. And I continue to be drawn in by Wen Redmond's work. I find I am most excited by how the definition of what a quilt "is" is ever-evolving, opening up even more avenues for expressions. I hope I win this book! Imagine the daily doses of inspiration as I go about creating my own fabric expressions and art quilts. :-)
I'd have to go back to Nancy Crow and Michael James, who are I think the pioneers of the art quilt.
Thanks for sharing!
Dare I say that my favorite quilt master is my own mother? Yes, I'll dare....... she taught me so much about sewing just by being there. She continues to be an inspiration to me.
My favorite art quilt master is the quilting rockstar, Pamela Allen. I admire her techniques and her sense of humor, but mostly, her artistic sense, which allows her to easily tweak and critique her students' work.
Wonderful! Thanks for the opportunity. I would have to say Sandra Meech, who really opened my eyes as to what was possible to create.
I don't have a favorite but I'm fascinated by the work of Terri Hancock Mangat. The quilts tell such stories!
Thanks for the chance to win the book!
liberalsprinkles at gmail dot com
my favorite art quilt master is Nancy Crow.
Hard to pick just one quilt master, from the book I had never seen Maryline Collioud-Robert's work before and really like it!
A wonderful book! There are so many master quilters that it is difficult to limit it to one -:), but if I have to it will be Pamela Allen - a great quilter and a wonderful teacher
I have always admired Susan Brubaker's art pieces, but I also love following Laura's and Barbara Lardons work.
This is a tough question--favorite master. But I would say I very much admire the work of Elizabeth Busch.
Hard for me to pick just one--I first noticed Michael James and love his recent digital transition. I love the blockiness :) of Nancy Crow. Follow that with Caryl Fallert and Jane Sassaman. I love their design work. Recently I have added Rosalie Dace to my all time high list. What's a girl to do.
Thanks for the opp to win the book.
Maybe a few new favs will be added to the list.
I'm new to art quilting but have been greatly inspired and awed by Vol 1. Vol 2 would be the icing on the cake for me.
I love the work of Kirsten Duncan - I don't know if she is in this book but she should be!!
Only one?
Tim Harding- on the cover of new book
Mardal & Hougs
Erika Carter
Velda Newman
all the 12's
Susan Shie
Judith Content name a few, and what a varied bunch I have named!
Would love to win the book and find a few more favorites!
First of all I would mention the german quilter Pascale Goldenberg, her work was my first inspiriation and from her I've learned a lot. And I really adore the work of Kathleen Loomis.Thanks for this opportunity, would love to win the book!
Well, Caryl Bryer Fallert is one of them! There are so many that do work that I admire. Thanks for counting me in, Deborah.
I'd love to win the book. My favorite art quilters are Caryl Bryer Fallert and Libby Lehman.
Denise in Sacramento
I have Volume 1 and enjoy leafing through it. my favorite Master quilter right now is Annie Helmericks Lauder. I don;t know if she's in Vol 2, but she should be. ;-)
I like Jette Clover's work. She is in the first volume. I also like many many others though so hard to pick. I really like Linda Colsh too.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this book!
There are so many wonderful quilt artists and I could pick different ones depending on my frame of mind. A few that I greatly admire are Nancy Crow, Carol Taylor and Janet Steadman. Thank you for the give-away!
I would have to go with Susan Shie as my current favorite, but that can change in an instant! There are so many that I admire.
Laura W. Artfabrik
She showed some of her featured quilts on her blog.
Thanks for the giveaway as this would be the first art quilt book I've owned should I win.
I really love anyone who can make a quilt. I believe they are all masterpieces in in the makers eyes. Thanks for the chance at owning this book!
There are so many I like - Jane Sassaman and Michael James come to mind and I love Terry Grant's work.
Thanks for the opportunity to win a book!
ETA - I can't get the comments to accept my google ID. email is ell-in-or at
I can't judge, i'm just a beginner, but i dare to join this contest. Thanks!
My favorite quilter is Hollis Chatelain.
Would love to win this book.
Caryl Bryer Fallert, she is just amazing.
I also have a few favourite art quilt masters- Carol Bryer Fallert would have to be in there. Thankyou for the chance to win a copy of the new volume.
My favorite art quilter is Jean Wells. Every time I look at one of her quilts, or look through her book, I learn something new about color.
Thanks for the chance to win a beautiful book.
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
I have to say that I love Hollis Chatelain & Carol Bryer Fallert equally. They are amazing. And I am also pleased to see you joining their ranks soon as you become better known. Love your style!
kjkoukla(at) hotmail dot com
Although I love a lot of them - I love Elizabeth Barton's work the best! It always speaks to me!
It all depends on the day, really. I love noriko endo's work. But after looking through the featured artists a second time, I was struck by Tim Harding. But then, tomorrow I will like another one - and so it goes. They are all masters.
My favorite art quilter is you.
I love how you use the images of houses, plants, rocks, and words. I sense the spiritual in your work too. Whatever it is, it speaks to me.
I don't know which masters were chosen for the book, but right now I've been following Anne Brauer, who is very talented and learning about confetti naturescapes by Noreko Endo. I would love to have a copy of the book to learn about more masters.
I really do not have a favorite but draw inspiration from many including Rayna Gilman, Nancy Crow, the Kendalls, Jane Dunnewold and many others. I'd love to win the book.
I'm very new to the art quilt world. I'm looking forward to reading this book, looking online and learning more about different artists.
Thank you for the giveaway and a chance to win.
Gosh, it is hard to choose just one master! I love Jamie Fingal these days, Rayna Gilman's fabric, the works of the 12x12 group is wonderfully inspirational too!
Leslie McNeil .....what more can I say!
There are so many talented artists out there... I have found the work of the 12 X 12 group very inspiring... to see how they each approach a concept facinates me.
Thanks for a chance to learn of additional quilt artists!
Kat (wtrstone @ aol)
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