Saturday, December 11, 2010


is my blogiversary.

I began blogging on December 11, 2004. So, six years.

I had intentions of going back through my blog and picking out pictures of Claire and Benjamin from each year. Then picking another set of pictures showing a piece of my art from each of these past six years. That would have been fun to look though, don't you think?

Too much work. I don't have the patience to scroll through months and months -- and YEARS -- of posts. Then copy links and images and html and paste and rearrange and all that. In the time it would take to compose that post, I could restring the lights on the Christmas tree. (Several are malfunctioning.) I could work on our annual Christmas letter which should have been sent out much earlier since we have a new mailing address this year. I could even have a second cup of coffee and play some wii with Benjamin.

Looking through my old posts and thinking about how much the kids have changed and grown is both exciting and sad. Time is fleeting and I don't always feel like I embrace every moment as much as I could.

I'm pleased with my artistic development over the past six years, but reviewing the work makes me yearn to delve a bit deeper. I haven't been able to muster the commitment or changes required to make this happen.

As I make these confessions, I know my blog friends will read this and nod. You'll send me virtual support. You'll understand and identify. You'll wait for me to move beyond these struggles and continue to grow. This is the greatest gift of the past six years.


Shelina said...

Happy blogiversary. I am nodding. I think that some changes are so small that we do not notice them. Just like the children - sure there are growth spurts, but there are also things that change slowly that only when we look at it from a faraway perspective, do we see them.

Gerrie said...

I am right behind you. I think mine is in February. I was looking back at my posts and noticed how my grandkids have grown and changed in 6 years - they were 3 and 5 when I started.

Happy blogiversary. I am so happy that we met out their in blog land - thanks to Diane!!

Diane Doran said...

Amen! Happy Blogiversary.

Terry Grant said...

I have been a devoted reader since very early on and have loved watching your kids grow and change. And I am nodding in agreement about wanting to delve deeper into my artwork as well. It's a sign of growth, but so disorienting. Glad so many of us are supporting one another. It is a lovely community and you are a special piece of it. Congratulations on 6 years!

Terri Stegmiller said...

Wow, six years...fabulous! Happy Blog-versary.

Michele said...

Happy Blogiversary! I just started my blog and I hope I can keep it going and growing...adding new friends and reconnecting with others........looking back can be inspiring as we remember old ideas and combine them with the new ones....

Jeannie said...

Nod, Nod, Nod! Happy Blog Anniversary! Thank you for being a bright spot in my week. I have enjoyed watching you and your children grow. How you get accomplished all that you do is amazing. You have beautiful children, you have been published in various magazines and now a book, you are not afraid to challenge yourself, and so generous with sharing your techniques with others. Thank you! Wishing you and yours the happiest of holiday seasons.

Joanne S said...

My sixth is coming up in 2011. You were the "one" who got me to start my blog, remember? At the Velda Newman lecture.

I have always started my daily blog reading with your blog. For six years, I guess. And I have enjoyed every minute. Watching the children grow-watching your art develop. Bravo and here's to another six.

Fannie said...

An inspiring and thoughtful post, thanks. Happy Blogoversary. Miss you and wish you the best in the coming year. May it be filled with imaginative creations and fun . . . and magic. ♥♫♥

Natalya Khorover Aikens said...

happy blogoversary!!

mcregan said...

Happy Blogoversary--I have truly enjoyed reading your blog. You continue to be an inspiration to me!

Jules Rushing said...

Happy Blogoversary my Friend! You are an inspiration and I miss you so much!

dee said...

Happy Blogaversary to one of the loveliest women on the net. Your work is beautiful and I have admired it and your dedication, both to it and to your family, for a long while.
Thank you so much for the lovely message you sent me recently. I can't tell you how much it comforted me.
I hope you have an inspired and healthy 2011