I'm not actually reading Soccernomics but I bought it for Jeff for Father's Day. Isn't it great when you find just the perfect gift?! Jeff is wild about soccer and getting ready to start his career as an econ professor. Plus, he really enjoyed Freakonomics and all of Malcolm Gladwell's books. This new books seems to play on those same themes in both content and cover design.
I picked up a copy of Oprah Magazine at Half Price Books for $1. It's the tenth anniversary issue and there are several lists of 10 thoughts from various experts. I love lists. I do not love that Oprah is on the cover of every issue. Why why why?! In fact, she's on the front and back cover of this issue.
The latest issue of Quilting Arts looks excellent, though it feels a bit disconcerting to read about all kinds of arty inspiration and not be able to create anything. (My studio is completely packed up in anticipation of our move.)
I'm about a quarter of the way through The Happiness Project. I'm enjoying it. It's all about perception, attitude and intention isn't it? I needed the reminder.
Speaking of soccer, I thought this slide show of vuvuzela pictures was very funny. The constant buzz coming from our tv: not so funny.
You are one cool cucumber, Deborah! You seem so calm and organized. You amaze me.
You're ahead of me on the studio packing. We spent today taking art off the walls all over the house and it seems so strange. Travel well this week. I get to see Karlie.
I just found out about Half Price Books super-bargain magazines!!! One of my travel indulgences has always been a stack of magazines for the plane ride. Now, I can get my stack for less than $5. Yippee!!
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