Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pink Reveal!

Here is my first 12x12 quilt for our new series, ColorPlay. The theme was pink. It's called Pink Pencil Experiment.
Read more about my quilt and see the other eleven "pink" quilts on our blog.


Lucy said...

I totally LOVE IT!!! It seems like nothing you've ever done before, but then you look again...and it's yours. The color palate stretched you. I do so like it!!

diane said...

You are so gifted. I am always so happy to find a new post, especially the ones where you have created something new. This new piece is wonderful.

Merry Christmas to you and all your family!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I love how you often use some of your favorite elements in a quilt, but each quilt always looks new and exiting. Congratulations!

Elin said...

Really nice - I like all the hand stitching!

Beate Knappe said...

I really love this Quilt!!!!!