Basically, you bite off opposing corners of the Tim Tam, dunk one end in your coffee and suck through the other end. The coffee comes right up through the cookie and just as it begins to melt and get all gushy in your fingers, you pop the remaining Tim Tam in your mouth. Seriously.
I went back to Target the next day and bought several more packages. They are going in every stocking I can think of. Apparently, they are available exclusively at Target. (As if I needed another reason to shop there. Ahem.)
There is even a contest for photographs and videos of people loving their TimTams. I could watch these kooky videos all day. Clearly I am not alone in my new found love for the TimTam.
Thanks for the info! Sounds yummy. I'll be looking for them at Target.
They are availble in the Japanese Store here - Uwajimaya.
I hear you! Tim Tams are one of the best things in Australia, in my experience.
My daughter lives in Australia and that's where I first met TimTams 12 years ago. I became instantly addicted. Good thing they are hard to find around here.
Good Grief Deborah! What a frenzied blog post that is! I'll have to try these out, I"ll let you know how it goes!
You can be sure that I will be bringing my stocking along to Dallas in hopes that Santa will also be bringing TimTams! love, mom
Oh, I LOVE Tim Tams. Yay! (trying not to run out to Target tonight - ha ha!)
Mmmmm. yummy Tim Tams. We've got a Target here, so I'll have to go see if they've got any -- I've not tried a Tim Tam Slam before. But, I like coffee and I like Tim Tams.
I'm not familiar with these "Tim Tam" cookies but if they are something that is manufactured overseas you could probably find them at a CostPlus (World Market) I bet? They sound good that's for sure.
I'm glad your Target is far from my Target. I'll get a chance to gather these up for myself and my friends. Thanks for putting me onto them. Makes me hungry just reading your blog, as if I need anything to make me hungry.
Everyone in Australia has grown up eating Tim Tams They are the best we also like them cold so in the summer keep them in the fridge
I guess this means I'm heading off to Target. Cross your fingers, hope it's there. Thanks for letting us know.
I saw them in Wal-mart today and bought a packet. I had to know what they tasted like after reading your post. A dear friend comes from Australia so I shall try and get her to taste test one and see what she has to say!
What????? Well, after just eating coconut cake for breakfast the thought of this is making me sick a few hours the sugar will wear off and I just might try it. How funny! Ive never heard of this.
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