I've been reading a lot about architecture and the development in the Dallas Arts District. Here's the new theatre center.
The articles I've read include very interesting ideas about buildings and people and life style. Maybe I'll write more thoughtfully about all that sometime soon.
Speaking of the Arts District, the kids and I visited the Dallas Museum of Art a couple of weeks ago. We had an excellent time making crowns in the Center for Creative Connections.
I've been working really hard on a digital slide show for tonight's Dallas Area Fiber Artists meeting. I asked members to name fiber artists they find inspiring and I got so many excellent suggestions. I compiled a slide show of images and artist statements, so we're in for tons of eye candy tonight!
(I emailed all the artists for permission to use their images for this specific event and all enthusiastically agreed.)
I ended up down a rabbit hole in exploring lots of artists. Especially Susan Shie's new in-progress pix on her blog. Yowza.
We had a crazy fun time playing laser tag when my sister and her husband visited a couple of weeks ago.
One rogue sunflower sneaked (snuck?) into one of our flower beds. I love it.
How can it be lunch time already? I've got tons to do today.
I hope your slideshow goes well tonight!
You and your children wear your crowns very well!!
Clair looks so much like your sister. Lovely.
Great hats!
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