My best friend's husband asked me to make a quilt for his wife to celebrate a special occasion. I was honored and thrilled to do so.
And then I had to actually do it. Wow. Commissions are a whole new challenge. I kept doubting myself and second guessing and really trying to make something that I was absolutely sure they would like. Well, I eventually had to let that go and just trust myself.
Here is "Life Landscape." It's about 12x13 inches.
I made this small piece for a friend who was recently ordained as a Deacon in the Episcopal Church. I've worked closely with her over the past several months and I've heard her use the phrase "salt, light and yeast" a few times. As in, we are each called to be "salt, light and yeast" for each other. To add variety, spice, enlightenment, clarity, potential, growth...
The phrase really stuck with me. I love the sound of the words and the symbolism. I used packaging from Morton Salt, Fleisman's Yeast and a GE light bulb and created this mixed media shrine.
I began working on a large piece inspired by one of my Lent pieces. I had originally intended to enter it in the show for the Texas Federation of Fiber Artists show coming up in November. But, I realized it was really not possible to finish it (as I would like to finish it) be the deadline. So, I just let it go. Whew. What a relief. I will still finish it...
Here's an early surface design step.
Both pieces are really beautiful and special!
Thank goodness you used a GE bulb package!!! I love that - the wittiness and the spirituality. The commission is quite delightful, too.
I think you're on to something with the shrine theme. It all looks wonderful. :-)
These pieces are fun and clever. Thanks for the reminder that a mason jar makes a great tool in art.
Both of these works are so clever. I love the Bronte quote worked in. The salt, light and yeast piece is great.
They are both wonderful, but I LOVE the phrase "salt, light and yeast"....there is a lot in those few words.....
Hugs, Sarah
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