9 x 7" (#37)
This is an example of a piece on which I would love to add more surface design or embellishment. But, since the stated goal is to finish a piece each day, sometimes as I am in the studio working I feel the minutes ticking away and the hovering reality of other things that have to be done that day. So I have to compromise and edit. Again, these are probably good life skills.
nothing says that should it still call you later you couldn't go back and do more on a peice.... :-) I really like this one. the cross shape of the central unit is there but subtle, and the skelton nature of the leaves on that fabric is wonderfully evokative.
I LOVE that you talk about what a struggle it was for you to do a piece entitled "Willing." That's very spiritual! At least I often struggle with being willing (...to let go of control, ...to be quiet, ...to see the truth, etc)
This one has a Terry look to it. Like all of these "essays," there's a seed that will probably come back to inform a more resolved quilt later. :-)
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