I gave myself a bit more time. I felt a bit unsatisfied with the work from the past few days, so yesterday I tried to dig a bit deeper. I also switched up the schedule a bit. Most of my "meditations" are done in the morning. I am fresh and motivated, but sometimes I end up working so long that I am not left with enough time to accomplish the other things that need to happen that day. So yesterday I didn't begin work until 8 pm ish. I did a bit of hand sewing while watching the Daily Show at 10 pm ish and left the binding and beading for today.
I really enjoyed the process on this one. Lots of meaty inspiration. I love that stone section. It's very much like the element in Construction: Concrete and Stone that is currently touring with the Tactile Architecture exhibit.

Here is today's small piece.

9 x 5.5" (#14)
Those roots are certainly somewhat inspired by Kristen's village series. I think I could use some additional surface design or embellishment in that bottom section. I'm not sure if I will return to some of these pieces and add more to them... or just let them stand alone.
Honestly. I am very pleased with this discipline so far. But, I'm tiring.
Honestly. I am very pleased with this discipline so far. But, I'm tiring.
Cool background fabric on Spacious Place. I like how the colors and even the shapes are pretty much the same, but the scale changes -- large, medium, and small dots, a variety of rectangles. Roots by the River is sort of the opposite -- ultra simple and that's cool too. have you seen Lizzy House's fabrics? She does super simple very well with lots of character in her shapes. http://lizzyhouse.typepad.com/lizzyhouse/
This one's my favorite thus far! Of course I am partial to Kristin's work. Still, you've made the motif your own by your use of a tree and different elements. I've always loved thinking about what goes on "under" the soil... do the roots move when a tree bends in the wind?
There's no reason you can't take a break and come back to them later if you want to.
You're the boss and you can change the job discription any time you want!
These are amazing! And I admire your discipline, not only to MAKE the art but to take pics and post them! Don't get tired, I want to see more.
hi Deborah i hope that you have a good day and i like all these quilts that you have been making lately
:) emily
Hi Deborah, I really love the simple beauty of "Roots. Please let me know if you put it up on your Etsy shop! ALoha, Dianna
I can see how doing this every day would be tiring, since you're really going for the finished piece each time, not just a sketch or a beginning exercise. I'm impressed by how many days you've worked at this level!
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