Sunday was my thirty-eighth birthday. We had a great day.
I started the day with yogurt with home-made granola and fresh coffee in the beautiful mug that
Sarah gave me for my birthday last year.

I made the granola the night before using my mom's most excellent recipe. It's so quick and easy and it makes so much! Plus, it's delicious!
The kids (and Jeff) gave me presents before we left for church -- so I could put them on right away!

Beautiful swirly, silver pendant, earrings and bracelet! (Not a great picture... but you get the idea.)

It was cold yesterday -- and all week, in fact. Here is the fountain at church covered in ice. Quite lovely, actually.

We had a great Sunday School class. I "teach" the
kindergartners and first graders. We are "studying" what Jesus' life might have been like when he was a child. We made scrolls this week.

After church, we went to Corner Bakery for lunch.
Delish. I really love Corner Bakery. I used to be a big fan of
Panera, but Corner Bakery is so much better.

I had the Chicken
Pomodori and the Creamy Zesty Corn Chowder. Jeff ate that pickle. Yuck. I don't like pickles.
The kids had a scrambler sandwich with bacon.
Mmmmmm bacon.

Earlier in the week, I had been trying to think of a fun activity that we could all do together on my birthday. Something different. Something that would be fun for both the kids and the adults. Something inside -- it's cold, remember?
I came up with the idea of painting coffee mugs. I love the idea of having a set of coffee mugs that all "match" made by each of us.
Here is Benjamin at work. Gosh, he's so cute, isn't he?

And here are Jeff and Claire at work. Very serious, but also super cute!
It was fun... relaxed, creative, togetherness.
And the fun does not end there...
Then we went to a hibachi-style restaurant for dinner. Yum. And really, I never get tired of seeing a guy make a volcano out of an onion.
Gosh... those kids are getting too big to be sitting on our laps.
Claire loves sushi. Very serious with the chopsticks here.

And a little scoop of ice cream along with the traditional singing of "Happy Birthday!"

But that's not enough ice cream for this family!
We stopped by Marble Slab Creamery on the way home. We all took a few bites, but most of these delicious concoctions went into the freezer at home to enjoy later.

We all watched the finale of The Amazing Race and dreamed about taking a family vacation to Alaska.
And then I curled up at the end of the day with the book I'm reading and felt richly blessed by my family and our life together.

Thirty eight is all good.
Happy Birthday!
I remember 38 and it was good.
Happy Birthday! So glad your day was wonderful :).
What a great day you had with your family!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!! Looks like a great day (good start to what will surely be a great year). I love Claire's tongue sticking out just a leetle bit while working the chopsticks.
Looks like you had a great birthday.
Happy Birthday, Deborah!
Happy Birthday! I'd love to see the mugs after they have been fired.
happy birthday!
Happy Birthday from the beginning to the end of it!
Happy Birthday, what a delightful day you had. Now you know you can't talk about fabulous granola without sharing the recipe. :o)
I'm with MYRA, we want the granola recipe!!! Your breakfast looks like many I enjoyed in Europe. SAY, I had forgotten, you and I are always the same age for 10 days!!! Here I've always felt so much more "mature" than you. (yea, right!) Lots of love, Lucy
Happy birthday Deborah! Looks like you had a fun day. I enjoyed spending the day with you in pictures.
38 was a really fabulous year for me-hope the same for you. How could it be otherwise-hanging around with such cute people.
Loved the Julie/Julia book. I hear they're making a movie out of it. Could be pretty funny.
Wow...lovely birth day! You know, seeing all of you sitting together at the Sushi place I realized what a delightful mix of both parents your children are!
Oh yes, I want the granola recipe too. I love granola with yogurt and fresh fruit!
Happy Birthday a few days late. It looks like you had a wonderful day.
PS---I meant to note earlier that I'm glad I got to spend the morning with you, even if it was via the mug! I was using mine on Sunday, too!
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