In fact, I've got an article in the Summer 2007 issue of Portals Zine. It really is a great publication. This is their fifth issue and it keeps getting better and better. It's 54 full color pages about creativity, art and artists. The theme of issue 5 is "recycling." For my article, I wrote about slashing up an old art quilt that I had made, but really was not pleased with. (It was awful.) But I turned it into several really nice postcard sized pieces and lots of ATCs.
You can see a bit of the article here on my desk.
There are tons of other great articles in Portals 5 including one by Artful Quilters Blogring member Alma. It's a bargain at only $15. (Remember... it's full color!) You can buy it here and read the editor's blog here. Great job, Heather! I'm honored to be a contributor.
Speaking of zines... I am thrilled to announce that I'm at work on another "how to" book similar to my "Small Art Quilts: Designing a Series." The working title is "stART it up." Here is a whole mess of stuff on my studio table. Hopefully these items will all come together into a project for the book.

Also, plans are bubbling for a self-published little treasure about a collaborative project from The Frayed Edges.
Congratulations on your exhibit. Well deserved, this is a beautiful piece. I love all the ephemera and the colors also.
Yay for school to start. My kiddos started back last Monday. I will be making time for creativity. It's been challenging this past summer to find the quiet time I need.
Ahhhh, the happiness of creative time when the kids are in school.
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