I'm a member of a new small art quilt challenge group called Twelve by Twelve. I am thrilled! You can follow the progress of our first month's creation on our group blog. We're making 12x12 inch quilts using the theme "dandelion." I'm considering lots of ideas --- I think I am feeling drawn to the idea of creating something very simple. Not easy, but spare and carefully considered. I'll be perusing Google images too. Here is one photo that jumped out at me.

Twelve by Twelve will do another quilt with another theme after the holidays. You can also find links to all the other members on the blog. I'm predicting I'll be adding some new *bloglove* to my link list too.
Check out these blogs, too!
My friend Helen has started two wonderful new blogs. We've been friends for 33 years. Her creative blog is called NapArt and is about all kinds of wonderful creative pursuits she explores while her young sons are napping. Her other blog is called God Parenting and includes thoughtful little stories about raising children and how spirit, grace and faith are present in our every day family lives. When Helen and I were little girls going to the Episcopal Church of the Covenant in Junction City, Kansas where my father was the rector, I don't know that either of us might have imagined what our lives (or our church) would be like in 33 years. Girls couldn't be priests back then. And now Helen is a priest and our Presiding Bishop is a girl! Helen also sent me an inspiring little package of left-overs from her latest creative project. What a great idea! Gather up some delicious scraps from the messy table in the studio and send them off to someone to pass on the creative spirit. In fact, I think Helen is interested in getting some series swaps flying through the mail. Scroll down her posts for info.
In the studio...
Here's a little peek at my design wall...
Actually, this was on my design wall yesterday. It has since been sent off to be considered for publication. Definitely a creative stretch for me.

Speaking of stretch, I'm off to yoga this morning.
More zine recommendations...
I just got my first issue of Art and Life. I had forgotten that I even subscribed! What a delightful reminder. It's amazing. Beautifully printed in stunning full color and delicious detail. Written almost entirely by the amazing Teesha Moore -- matriarch of so much of the art/craft/independent creative world. I can hardly wait for the next issue.
I also ordered "thr3fold journal" produced by Laura Kemshall, Linda Kemshall and Catherine Nicholls. Laura and Linda are the mother-daughter team that have done a lot of writing for Quilting Arts lately. I've been inspired and impressed by their work and words, so I was quite drawn to this new endeavor that combines an actual "zine" with images and other media on a CD. It hasn't arrived yet, but Sarah got a copy and couldn't stop raving. (Wow... pricey though. The conversion rate is not kind.)
Ooh, good photo!
I didn't know you and Helen were friends! I love her blog!
And I've been a subscriber to Teesha Moore's journal for a long time. Her creativity is pretty amazing. I like how she really integrates her art into her life.
We have a lot in common, Deborah!
I've been thinking about the thr3fold journal a lot also. Th eprice is what's keeping me from taking the leap, is it worth the price?
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