We exchanged gifts before I left. I etched this modern vase for Jeff. Especially appropriate since "crystal" is the traditional gift for fifteenth anniversaries.

It also happens to be my parents 43rd anniversary today. We'll go out to dinner tonight and wish Jeff was joining us.
Congratulations to both you and Jeff AND your parents for double digit wedding anniversaries! Safe travels to you and the kids.
Congratulations! Here's to you and Jeff celebrating YOUR 43rd anniversary :-)
Happy Anniversary Jeff & Deborah - and to your parents too! Here's wishing you many, many, more happy years together!
This post made me happy, today!! I wish you both years and years of love and happiness. We will celebrate our 43rd next month!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary my friend. Very impressive. Your material gifts to one another are great...but as you said not as great as your life together. Much love.
Happy anniversaries to all of you!
happy anniversary! Your family unit and what you've made it are something to be proud of. Obviously you've had great role models... so lacking in so many families. Congratulations!
Happy Anniversary all around!
Happy Anniversary.
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