You can click on the picture for an even bigger view. I am so impressed with the detail and clarity I got using the macro option. Imagine what I could do if I actually read the camera's manual.
I insisted she could not keep the frog in the bug box over night. What would he eat? But, we were able to find him again the following day in pretty much the same spot. Unfortunately, Lincoln also found him. This made for some interesting viewing of frog intestines poking through a hole made my Lincoln's teeth and the frog's subsequent demise. Ah, the cycle of life.
Brief Blog Thoughts:
I've poked around a bit trying to figure out why so many of your thoughtful comments come through with "noreply" address. Before we were forced to switch to the new Blogger, this was a far less frequent occurrence. I think it might help if you make sure that you have an email listed in your Blogger profile and that you check the "show my email" box in the Privacy section of your profile. I think this might make a difference both for people who actually blog with Blogger and those who just have a Blogger profile so they can comment freely on Blogger blogs. Try it and then leave me a comment. If your address comes through, I promise I'll reply!
I'm surprised you didn't comment on the beautiful texture and colors on the frog - great picture! Poor baby frog...
When I was a GirlScout camp counselor, me and another counselor used to wake up at 6:30am, trudge to the "lake" (pond actually), and catch frogs. Then we would let them go on coffee tin lids with water-based tempera paint in them (coz GirlScouts are all about being eco-friendly and safe). Then we would swoop them up again and place them on white paper so they could hopalong and make "frog prints". We had the best time and I still have the prints we made somewhere in my side of my parents attic. They turned out very cool. You and your daughter might like to try "frog printing", their little webbed feet make the cutest prints going across the paper.
We have a couple of frog lovers here too...although we have more toads than frogs and a bunch of grasshoppers who've killed all my gerbera daisies!
Your comment about reading the camera instructions sounds just like me. LOL When all else fails.......
And thanks for the heads-up on the no-reply thing. I've often wondered about why some blogs wouldn't allow you to respond.
ahh, as you say , the cycle of life goes on.
That's life! The texture and colours on that frog could be great inspiration for a quilt, though... Great picture. I have only just started reading the manual of my camera and hopefully my photos will get better :-)
Congratulations on getting your works admitted in exhibitions, by the way. I might have said so before, but that door is a favourite!
I love the frog. My cat keeps finding the same one in the garden and plays with it. She's not too sure what to do with it - so she prods it to make it jump or scream. I can assure you we rescue it as soon as we realise what she's up to.
Like you I've been having lots of posts 'blogger no reply' and I do like to reply - and I've even mentioned it on my blog to encourage people to sheck their settings. Lets hope our efforts work.
did my address show up?
Did my address show up? I have been trying to figure this same thing out and have been completely flummoxed. I'll be quite interested in knowing if you've hit on the answer. Now, I'd like to figure out the deal where when you try to comment the box keeps asking you whether you want to display profile items--over, and over, and over and ...
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