There is the long skinny I did for the Twisted Stitchers challenge. I like it so much better than I thought I did. And it coordinates nicely with the hand painted whole cloth wild flower piece above the piano. Doncha think?

Here is a view of the long skinny from the foyer and looking into the living room.

Here is another piece I hung in the foyer. I just love it, surprisinly. It's a departure from my usual work in so many ways. You probably can't see that there is a huge letter B outlined in orangey bugle beads in the teal section. They catch the light so beautifully and whenever I walk past it glistens a bit.
This piece was originally proposed for the Lark Quilting with Beads book. They accepted the proposal and I made it. Then the editorial board decided they really didn't like the B. They wondered if I would remove the B beads and outline a few of the quilting motifs with beads instead (using something other than the orangey bugles). I really didn't want to lose the B, so I offered to remake it all together. Which I did.

The revision turned out just fine. I changed a few elements and I hope they like it. I'll post pictures soon. Along with a close up of the B beading.
A learning experience for sure. Creating art for a proposal or for any specific purpose requires a whole new way of thinking and prioritizing.
By the way, the fabrics in the pieced section are by Marcia Derse, who I adore. She is a delight and her fabrics are so inspirational. I bought a couple of sample packs in Houston last fall and I just love they way they worked with this piece. The quilting motifs are inspired by the lines and shapes in the fabrics. You probably can't see those in the picture either. Sorry. More close ups later.
I love how your pieces look in your home. Your long and skinny fits perfectly there! But I don't think you need to worry about putting your art in your home or seeming to "me me me". You're decorating your home with the work you've created, which I think adds your creativity and love and unique vision to your home. And think of the great example you're setting for Claire and Benjamin, to have THEIR home filled with lovely work their mom has created. It's a lovely gift from you to your family.
The long skinny looks like it was made just for that space. The first thing I noticed was how well it went with the poppies too.
You will be surprised by how many people won't even notice your pieces on the wall as well as those who will gush over them. I have several pieces hanging in my home and some people just want to see more and can't stop talking about them. The rest of the poeple I don't worry about.So don't worry about about the "me, me, me" thing. Enjoy your art every day.
Deborah: the long skinny looks WONDERFUL there! and the space is so light and bright and airy!
When did you get a piano? Was it here in Maine?????
Cheers, Sarah
It all looks good to me! And I did notice that Piano Adventures book sitting on the Piano. Hey, I'm a piano teacher, I can't help it! Those are great books, by the way.
Hope you're having a great week!
God bless :)
I know this 'thing' about hanging your own work up. I painted our hall, stairs and landing in a neutral colour just to give myself some gallery space and then found a deep reluctance to hang any work up there (grin).
I think it's great that you surround yourself with your art. As mentioned earlier, it's a good example for your kids. I find, as an artist-in-training, that hanging my work allows me to see it with different lights and moods and gain a better perspective on what I like and what I don't like. I too find some people don't even notice (or comment ... perhaps the pieces don't speak to them) while others want to know the story behind the pieces. It's fun for my family and supportive friends to see my progress. Love the long skinny!
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