It was great. Seriously, I could try to be eloquent and thoughtful and inspired, but I'll just run down some basics. Let's start with the shopping.
This is an overview of the vendor area -- about a quarter of it. Huge!

I was so delighted to meet Marcia Derse. Mel gushed about her recently and I'd been studying her website and drooling over her fabric.

Her booth could not be more beautiful. Every detail is carefully considered and stunning. Even those lights! Look how retro and cute they are! But even more beautiful than the booth (and the fabric) was Marcia's enthusiasm. She was cheery and happy to meet me and friendly and real. (Not all the vendors exhibit this kind of attitude.) I left her booth with a few sample packs of her fabric and a nugget of great wisdom. I don't think she even realized she was sending me an important message. Marcia's got a new empty nest and is redefining her life as as artist after years of mothering. She said she misses the days when her kids were small and that I should make the most of this time! So true. Everything in it's own time.
Surely you've heard about the amazing Fiber Art For A Cause program. Look at all these stunning postcards and happy buyers making donations.

I was ecstatic to come across these two treasures on my first stop by the booth.

That's Terry Grant's work on the left and Lesley Riley on the right. Both are members of our Artful Quilters Webring -- and artists that I adore! Can you see the text on Lesley's card? "Home is where your story begins."
Here are my other purchases.

Charms from Artgirlz. The sample packs from Marcia and an excellent chalk pencil set with several refills in various colors. I really needed something like this since I am so impatient that when I need to mark some fabric I often use whatever is handy -- like a ballpoint pen. (Bad!) I used the chalk just yesterday and it worked great.
Speaking of Artgirlz... so inspiring! (They have a blog, too!) What a great little company. They have superfantastic stuff and I stopped by their booth several times.
Over the next week or so I'll post about the quilts. (Obviously.) And about Make It University and the classes I took. Plus a bit about some of the great people I met.
In the mean time, you can view the prize winning quilts here.
Wow--that's my postcard! I am honored. Thanks for supporting FFAC and for making me famous on your blog. Hope you enjoy the card.
did I ever tell you I did a show and sale with the artgirlz when they were just defining themselves? I loved their work and own two of their pins, the ones with the little pewter faces. Love this little piece of Houston.
Thanks for giving us a glimpse of Houston. Lucky you :) Helen
after attending the AQS in Paducah four times, i'm so ready to go to make the pilgrimage to Mecca (Houston) for IQS!!!! please, more, more, commentary and photos! was SO SO SO wonderful to see you! I wish we could just blink to pop into each other's homes and daily lives. Tell Benjamin and Claire they looked wonderful for Halloween...I missed being home with my guys this year (since I arrived at Festival on halloween).... and the skirt is SO you! Perfect!
Cheers and hugs, Sarah
Wow! That's the first Houston review that's ever made me want to jump on a plane and GO. We probably would wind up at the same booths.
I am glad tha Marcia has reiterated what I think I have said to youngun's, quite often. Kristin says hi!!
I am so there next year!!
So it was YOU who bought one of my postcards! How wonderful to know where it landed! I'm so happy to hear you loved Lisa's class. Can't wait to see more!
hey deb,
congrats on the book! i bought the same chalk set from that french guy. sorry i missed you at the show - i was there all day sunday!
Welcome back from Houston. Sounds like a great trip - and thanks for letting us visit it vicariously. I had fun.
I sent a few postcards too. I was trying to peek at your photo to see if I could recognize any of mine. It is amazing how many there are. It is such a wonderful cause and I am so glad that they were successful.
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