It's a perfect shape for carrying my smallish flat pieces of art to guild meetings and artist get-togethers. And a sketch book and a couple of magazines.
Can you believe how modern it looks? You can't see the little brass feet on the bottom of the bag. So cool.
And here's the inside. Such careful construction.

And, of course, the "Mabel S. Massie ORIGINAL" label makes it a treasured heirloom.
Benjamin learned to ride his bike without training wheels this weekend! Hooray! This is a really big deal. He can't quite get started without a bit of support -- which is a challenge when you have a puppy pulling one direction and a bike tipping over in the other direction.
My coffee maker broke yesterday. I pressed "on" in the morning and nothing happened. I kept turning it on and off again and again to no avail. (Isn't that the classic definition of insanity: trying the same thing and expecting different results. That's what a lack of coffee can do to me, I guess.) A trip to Bed Bath and Beyond for a new machine made everything right with the world this morning.
I had totally planned a Sonjified fabric painting session this morning while the kids are at school. I had the fabric prepared, paints chosen, painting surface ready... and it's raining. Grumble. I think I'll still try to do it in the garage. At least I've got the coffee.
Gorgeous bag! Amazingly modern. Mabel must have been a classy woman. Good luck with the painting.
A bag by your great grandmama, WOW! I wouldn't even use it. It would be sitting in a glass vitrine in my house. That design is amazing.
That is a stunning bag and made with such care to be in such wonderful condition that you can still use it. As a former weaver, i bow to her craftsmanship!
YAY! for Benjamin! Learning to ride with two wheels really is a huge milestone - especially when there's an older sibling to keep up with!
yeah for benjamin!! And as for the coffee maker..why DO we do that???? It's sort of like looking in the SAME place over and over for a lost article!
Deborah, what a wonderful thing to have from your great-grandmother! Do you weave, as well?
Good for Benjamin learning to ride without training wheels. That's always a big step.
and by the way, I love the bag. Doesn't it make you feel connected to another loving generation when you use it?
What a cool bag!
Love it! I am jealous!
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