Here are Lincoln and Claire on the way home from school after we surprised her with the new puppy when she came out the door.

Brown eyed boy.

Getting ready to scratch that itchy ear.


Bottoms up!

And if Lincoln couldn't be any cuter, Claire couldn't be any happier!

Yum, something's tasty. (He's eatting better, thanks for asking.)

Oh that puppy face with the Bambi eyes! He's very photogenic. Those paws indicate he is going to be one big boy when he's "all grown up". I love the butt in the air shots of puppy and human. I totally agree with posting gratuitous pet photos!
OMG! He IS adorable!
Awwwwwwww! Now stop that! I already have two big, stinky dogs and if you keep this up I'll be out looking for a new puppy!
But he is really a cutie.......
He is such a cutie! And you can tell that Claire and Benjamin will love him to death. I like the name Lincoln that you have given him.
These photos made me so ver klempt - I have tears in my eyes - it is Claire and her joy with the cuteness of Lincoln.
He's getting to even me. Awwwwww.
Lincoln is incredibly cute!! Claire and Lincoln are incredibly cute together!!
That front-paws-out-bottom-up posture is a doggy way of saying.."Let's Play!" So cute that Claire echoed it.
He's just too adorable. I love the gangly rubbery puppy limbs. I'm so happy for your family...everyone is just way to attractive.
Oh, he is SO cute. What a WONderful after-school surprise for Claire! (That was my childhood dream, you know, to be surprised at some unlikely moment with a NEW PUPPY JUST FOR ME.) Now you'll have two Lincoln's Birthdays to celebrate. harharhar.
The cutest puppy ever! He looks just like the puppy in the latest LLBean Women's catalogue!
He looks just so happy to be finally 'home'. Who left such a gorgeous puppy in the shelter?
Awwww, Claire is a cutie too.
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