I began working on a series of small quilts that will be the sample for a workshop I'm developing. I had always intended to use our recent move to Texas as an opportunity to take my art to the next level. So, I'm plodding along and feeling pretty good about it.

I think there is some influence from Melody's stack series. And from Liz Berg's amazing postcards. I haven't done abstract work in quite this format. Of course, this is an early early photo. They still need life!
The workshop will be partially inspired by the Elements and Priciples of Design. And if you have not studied Liz Berg's article in the recent issue of Quilting Arts, you really must go back and read it again.
Claire joined me in the studio while I was working on the pieces above. She was using the rulers and drawing concentric squares and we decided to make a pillow. She picked out all the fabrics looking specifically for fabric that didn't really go together. "Because that makes them zing," she said. Well, of course, she is correct about that.

She was really focused on the measuring, but I was not too excited about really teaching her to use the ruler and rotary cutter properly, so I said. "You know, sometimes you can get even more zing if you make the shapes a little random. That would be arty!" She thought for a moment then said, "No, I chose the colors for the zing, the shapes need to be straight lines." Ah, she gets that from her dad.
So, we did the whole ruler, rotary cutter, measuring, accounting for seam allowance thing. As you can see we only completed one side of the pillow. (She has another square-in-a-square planned for the other side. Then I needed a break. But it was very fun! And I felt like that was the kind of thing I should be doing with my kids during the summer. Yeah.
Then I arted up my new jewelry holder.

It's an old cabinet door with screen in the middle. I got it from an architectural salvage place. I took off the hinges and handle, cleaned it with a Mr. Clear Magic Erasure, then used a pack of Sharpies to art it up. Yes, my beloved leaf shapes and concentric circles are there. I haven't hung all the necklaces yet... but isn't it so fun!?
I hope you've had some productive days lately too. But, don't be too hard on yourself, some days your brain and body need to rest. (Right?)
What a great day! I can't believe how productive you've been WHILE tutoring Claire at the same time! Her pillow is looking great BTW. I'm still in slug mode after my manic crafting two weeks ago.
I'm a slug, too, but you are inspiring me. You must have air conditioning!
those days are a gift for sure and don't happen often enough...when kids want to do what you want to do WHEN you want to do it! And Mr. Clean Magic erasers are the best!!!
The door/jewelry hanger is great. It would be good for hanging sewing and quilting supplies too: scissors, rotary cutters, etc.
Deborah, thanks for the links. Sounds like you girls had a great time!
I'm sure Claire appreciated that you decided to see things her way on the pillow. Great that you two can spend some time together. Your workshop looks like it will be very interesting.
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