Sunday, April 23, 2006

Part Two

Yes, here we go. Anyway we ate the ice cream while watching

But of course, you must imagine this picture inside a giant mall under four floors of hoity toity shops. And imagine the skaters wearing shorts and tank tops.

Then we headed home to our apartment. On the way home both kids

And Jeff and I discussed more furniture we'd like to buy. Kitchen table is next. I think we should go to

so we can make up for the additional buckaroos we spent on the sectional.

We're moving into our house on May 2! Yippee.


Gerrie said...

Isn't it fun to be contributing to the economy in such a big way!?

Joanna Stein said...

YAY 5/2! A perfect birthday present for me, and a pre-birthday for Claire.

kathy said...

may 2nd will be a great day for you!! and I heard Augusta is getting some sort of marble slab creamery place( which I've never heard of) soon. Is this a chain? And is it good?

Melody Johnson said...

Cost per use is a great way to unload the guilt over a large sum expended. Your couch can be divided by four and multiplied by the same factor. In the end it will be owing you money!

Sarah Ann Smith said...

Yeeeehaw...comfortable and SOON! And for the sectional...think of the sibling arguments avoided because the sofa is large enough to divide and conquer: parent-child-parent-child, with one parent (me) getting the primo "in the corner" spot, to eliminate that particular squabble.

Thus speaketh the voice of experience.

And if you still feel guilty, go eat another ice cream LOL!

Laume said...

Oh, you're so clever! I used to love those children's stories that used pictures in the text. I'll have to steal your idea some time soon.

Micki said...

Well, it sounds like a great time was had by all. Love the way you used those pics to tell about your adventure.