The picture above is from the egg hunt that is sponsored by our subdivision. That was the 0 to 3 year old section. It got cleaned out pretty quickly! There were hundreds of kids! It was very cold. Really, even by Texas standards. I bet it was in the high 40s. That was last Saturday. It's lovely and warm today.
Our kids cleaned out the 4 to 7 year old area. Here they are before the start.

Off they go! See all the dads out in the grass facing the crowd for good pictures. Not me. I stayed behind the line as instructed.

That's "Lake Avalon" in the background. It's a lovely common park area next to the golf course. See the trees in the background. Those will be cut down for more homes, I'm sure. Sigh.
After the egg hunt, there was an egg toss. Claire and Jeff had a ball and were one of the last three teams with an intact egg. (They were not hard boiled.)

I didn't get a picture of the last toss where the egg smashed through one of her fingers and then dribbled all over the grass. She didn't get a speck on her, but she cried a bit because the impact hurt her very cold hands.
So that was all last weekend. Which was delightful. Claire was sick this weekend, so there were fewer delightful parts. But we did dye eggs on Saturday night.

The Easter Bunny hid baskets in the closet with the vacuum cleaner. Clever rabbit.

The mommy made delicious "pull apart" for breakfast. Clever mommy.

Pull apart is a classic family recipe that Jeff substitutes for his birthday cake. It calls for 18 frozen dinner rolls. Since the package comes with 36, I must make a second batch, thus the Easter morning deliciousness. I toss the frozen rolls, dry butterscotch pudding, brown sugar, cinnamon and melted butter in a bundt pan the night before. They thaw and rise through the night and just pop them in the oven in the morning. Yum-O!
We also visited a lovely church and sang two of the Anglican Top 40: Jesus Christ is Risen Today and Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee. The sermon was quite enjoyable and the kids did great in the pews with us. There were four communion stations and at least 12 chalice bearers. The clergy wore teeny tiny flesh-colored chin mikes. There were horns, drums, guitars, organ, pianos. And much Alleluia! Very very very very very different from any Episcopal church I have ever ever ever ever been too. But, the same message. Amen.
I live vicariously and victoriously through you. Praise the Lord, He is risen!
Love your kids and the super cute save'em all your life photos of the day.
Loving you,
What great pictures. How do your kids manage to dye without making a major mess like I do?? Having little ones makes holidays so much more fun.
I love the pictures of Claire and the egg toss! They're priceless! I've been thinking about you down there in the heat! I must say we are having a beautiful spring but I wish it was warmer! Glad you all had a nice Easter! Miss you all.
The pics of Claire and the egg toss are priceless!!
We went to Easter Vigil - a service we love. The recessional hymn was Come ye faithful, raise the strain of triumphant gladness - which Mr. C calls, the Episcopal anthem!!
Fabulous pictures! Thanks from Claire & Banjamin's Grandma Kathy!
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