We took a break from unpacking and went into DC on Saturday. We decided to take the Metro!

It was great. A little complicated to figure out the various fare card options and not necessarily economical for a family of four compared to the cost of just driving and parking in DC, but it was an added adventure.
We visited the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum which was full of interesting exhibits, people and energy.
Isn't this an interesting plant?!

Honestly, all this unpacking and various getting-settled stuff is making me a bit prickly. But, we're making progress.
long time ago I went to DC by Metro from Alexandria in Virgina I love it, and all the Museum are free in DC - wonderful
I love the Metro. Once, Steve had a software training in VA. I took the metro to DC every day and visited museums. I had so much fun on my own. And just think how much spewing of stuff into the air you saved by taking the metro. Worth it!!
I love teh Metro! I rode it every day to work when we lived in VA and worked in DC. I bought a monthly pass that was good for both bus and Metro. You're right that for the occasional outing with a lot of people it's probably not economical, but it can be pretty convenient -- especially if one wants wine with dinner or just doesn't want to deal with parking. ;-)
I remember the train station as being a pretty cool place too -nice shops and restaurants and Metro underneath.
I'm glad you got a chance to go to Air and Space on Saturday. We've had out of town guests for the last few days, and yesterday we took the metro and went there, and also toured the capitol. I hope things start to fall into place soon.
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