I have a wonderful little local group of arty friends. Truly wonderful. Three of us are moving in the next few months. Grumble. It's so hard to part ways. To ease the pain a bit, we decided to take a private workshop with local artist
Margie Woods Brown.
It was a wonderful celebration of our friendship, creativity, time and art.
Margie's studio space is beautiful...
Little shrines here and there.

Smiling faces!

Getting messy.

Inspiring direction from Margie.


I love this sink and art vignette.

Here are the pieces I created.

As we were creating, I was really aware of the colors, patterns, layers and motifs I was using. I can totally imagine using some of them in my fiber art.
I was also absorbing the pleasure of time with my friends. A blessing.
Lovely! You will soon have another group of friends - I think I know you well enough to say that. Your groups of friends will grow as you move on in your life.
Looks like y'all had a wonderful time together making memories to keep with you. I love the pieces you created!
That's such a wonderful idea to have a last hurrah play day together!
I agree, it was a wonderful day.
Arty friends are the best! I'm glad you're one of mine! And just think -- as you move you are making more arty friend all over the country. I'm glad you got to celebrate your friendship and creativity with such a fun day.
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